56th Annual Maple Syrup Festival at R.C.L. Branch 374 – St. Joseph Island

On April 8, 1967 the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 374 held its 1st Maple Syrup Festival.  A committee of President Thompson, Comrade H. Kent and Comrade Waite was formed.  They planned an all-you-can-eat breakfast of pancakes and sausages with St. Joseph Island Maple Syrup at a cost of $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for children 12 and under.  They arranged a day of touring sugar camps, a beard contest and square dancing in the evening.  The advertising budget was $150.00.  The next few years added a bake table by the Legion Ladies and a flea market next door in the Town Hall.


In 1973 the Festival was expanded to 2 days (the 1st full weekend in April).  The next couple of years initiated the Little Sugar Contest and Maple Recipe Cookbooks were sold.


In 1978 the Festival was expanded to 4 days (the first 2 full weekends in April) with the use of the Town Hall for a flea market and crafts.


The 22nd Maple Syrup Festival was the first for the new hall in 1988.


1989 was the birth of the $1000 raffle on a motion by Bill Ross.  This raffle continues to be popular today.


Our 41st Maple Syrup Festival in 2008 went into the record books with 4558 meals served.


Covid put a halt to fundraising in 2020 and 2021.


The tradition continues with our 56th Maple Syrup Festival (April 5, 6 12 & 13).  Local maple syrup, maple candy and crafts are available.  We are also still having the $1,000 raffle.


The Legion hosts such fund raising events to better be able to support local Veterans and their families.  Branch 374 strives to give to the community, including many senior and youth organizations.  Supporting activities such as this, helps the Veterans and the community.


For many friends and family, it is a custom to travel many hours to fill up on fluffy pancakes and sausages cooked to perfection swimming in local maple syrup.  All you can eat: $12.00 for adults, $11.00 for seniors and $7.00 for children 12 and under.  The Festival runs 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Thousands of people attend every year.  Why not you?  For information, please call the Branch Office at 705-246-2494.

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