Last Sunday our service was celebrated with Marathon St. John’s United. The message was about seeds, how small seeds, medium seeds and all seeds grow differently yet in the end they all produce a new plant or tree or flower. It also depends on the environment of the seed, sun, rain, good soil. We too are God’s seeds. Some of us have a good environment and grow to be good caring people. Others are not so fortunate and life is a struggle, personal growth is difficult. So all together those who have a good start can help those who did not. In some way we can make this world a better place. We need to try and give all of God’s little seeds a good start to a good life.
Sunday June 23- Fifth after Pentecost
- 1 Samuel 17:(1a,4-11,19-23),32-49 David and Goliath
- 2 Corinthians 6: 1-13 Now is the acceptable time, the day of salvation
- Mark 4:35-41 Jesus stills the storm
This Sunday is part of what many places in Canada celebrate as Pride Month. In our reading of Jonathan and David, we need to think of their strong relationship. There was a soul connection so deep and profound that it may well have been romantic.
In Corinthians the understanding that the word salvation is more accurately translated as “ Liberation” an experience similar to what some LGBTQIA + Two-Spirit people experience at Pride events, in contrast to the toxicity and discrimination many are exposed to every day.
This gospel story is an example of God’s faithful presence with us through every storm. How can we be agents of liberation when life feels destructive both for ourselves and to others? Used with permission the Gathering Pentecost 1, 2024 p 13.
June 23, will be our last service at First United until September 8. We ask that you join with the other Churches in the community or go to online services. The worship leaders thank you for your attendance and support this past year, and are looking forward to taking time off and refreshing. We will begin again with new ideas and services in September.
St Andrew’s United Sault Ste Marie Here is the YouTube link for our livestream :
It is also available, live, on Facebook at:
Prayer Shawl Group will have their last meeting on Sat. June 22.
They will car pool from First United and go to Morrison’s Cottage for the afternoon from 2 to 4 pm. To get a ride, be at the Church by 1:45. Diane and Lois will be drivers. All knitters and crocheters are most welcome.!
The Hospital Garden Worship Service will take place Sunday, June 30, at 10:30 am. Please bring your own chair.
June 27 – Canadian Multiculturalism Day
June 30 – International Asteroid Day
July 18 – Nelson Mandela International Day
July 28 – Day of Commemoration of the Great Upheaval (of the Acadian People
July 30 – International Day of Friendship
- Monday Morning News – February 17 - February 17, 2025
- Saturday at the Carnival - February 15, 2025
- Saturday Morning News – Feb 15 - February 15, 2025