St. Monica’s Church – Fourth Sunday of Easter

MEDITATION by Father Duolomane (Joe)

In today’s Gospel, Jesus describes himself as “the good Shepherd”. The word “good” here means “generous, true”. The difference between Jesus and the hired man is that the sheep do not belong to the hired man. The hireling does not know the sheep, does not care about the sheep and abandons them when the wolf comes.

Jesus is the good Shepherd because he “lays down his life for his sheep”. The verb “to lay down” is used in the sense of offering consciously and freely. Jesus gives “his life for his sheep”, the sheep recognize his voice and follow him. With his walking stick, the good Shepherd guides and gathers the sheep that are struggling to keep up, but he also drives away the wild animals that threaten the flock. Are we ready to be good shepherds to one another? If we Christians know how to recognize that we belong to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, then we can go out and meet our brothers and sisters, love them and lay down our lives for them through various acts of charity.

Parish News:

Father Joe will be in North Bay this week for a Retreat.  Weekday Masses Tuesday to Friday will be cancelled.

Schedule for Masses & Mass Intentions for April 20-28

Saturday 20 7:00 pm For the repose of Jeanne D’Arc Berthiaume by Geri Plecash.
Sunday 21 9:00 am For the repose of Maggi Martin by Ron & Lina Rody.
Monday 22 NO MASS
Tuesday 23 7:00 pm NO MASS – Father at Forum for Priests in North Bay this week.
Wednesday 24 7:00 pm NO MASS
Thursday 25 7:00 pm NO MASS
Friday 26 11:00 am NO MASS
Saturday 27 7:00 pm For the repose of deceased family & friends of Ron & Lina Rody.
Sunday 28 9:00 am In Memory of Deceased Family & Friends of the Parish of St. Monica.



St. Monica's RC Church