Leadership Candidate Ted Hsu Releases Northern Ontario Policy Vision to Support Regional Prosperity

Ontario Liberal Leadership Candidate MPP Ted Hsu has announced a targeted policy vision designed to foster growth and prosperity in Northern Ontario. The policy vision, entitled, “A Northern Way”, addresses some of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by this vital region.


After six visits north during his leadership run, Hsu has spoken with community leaders, stakeholders, and residents from across the region to develop a vision which reflects the diverse needs and aspirations of Northern Ontarians.


“A Northern Way” represents a strong and realistic vision for the future. Key highlights of the policy vision include:

  • Reconciliation

  • Infrastructure

  • Climate Change Adaptation

  • Healthcare

  • Housing


MPP Ted Hsu said, “We must be resolute in fostering connectivity by improving the region’s infrastructure, protecting communities from the effects of climate change and ensuring healthcare access and housing affordability across Northern Ontario —  all while recognizing that there is no way forward without reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, respect for treaties, and developing a relationship as full partners.”


For more information about “A Northern Way” and MPP Ted Hsu’s work in Northern Ontario, please visit https://www.tedhsu.ca/northernontario

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