Evangéline Barsalou, a soon-to-be graduate of École secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau), stands out as a determined and dedicated student. This grade 12 student is highly motivated and consistently invested a great deal of effort into maintaining her high academic performance while remaining humble about her achievements and successes.
This ÉSC Trillium student has excellent leadership and interpersonal skills. Since grade 9, Evangéline has taken part in a number of school initiatives, including the volleyball team and e-learning, which she has mastered to perfection.
Most recently, she was delighted to take part in the Rotary Club’s ‘Rediscovering Citizenship’ initiative, which took place in Ottawa from May 14 to 17. Next year, Evangéline will be pursuing her studies in social sciences at the University of Toronto. We wish her every success in her new adventure.