The Northern Neighbours Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic (NNNPLC) in collaboration with the Township of White River, White River Economic Development Committee, and Superior East Community Futures Development Corporation to coordinate an event for the White River Winter Carnival. The NNNPLC chose to coordinate the Snow Sculpture Contest, the theme was simply animals. Our aim was to coordinate an event that would:
- Promote physical activity;
- Promote Family/friend togetherness;
- Promote Team work;
- Promote our love of winter; and
- Remind us of our inner-child and to just have fun!
The staff of the NNNPLC began by building their snow sculpture, Stumpy the Turtle. Clad in the NNNPLC colours of Purple and green, Stumpy beckoned to the residents of White River to join in the frivolity, maybe even win a prize and bragging rights!
The contest ran from during the March Break, March 14 – 19, 2022 as this would increase the likelihood of family teams. Judging was held on March 20, 2022.
The residents of White River didn’t disappoint there were 13 teams enrolled. Soon various animals began to pop up over night, some not even from Northern Ontario and others not of this world! The winners of the Snow Sculpture Contest are:
1St Place Isabel Chicoine
2nd Place Kristie Colby
3rd Place Nicole Simpson
We want to thank all of the teams for your participation, your sculptures were fantastic! For more photos of this event, please visit our website:
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