Screening and Vaccination Requirements
- All user groups will be required to actively screen their volunteers, participants, and spectators before entry to the MMCC. This requires a user group to designate a member as responsible for entry and active screening. The designated member will ask covid screening questions or make sure the covid questionnaire is completed by each individual, either way is considered actively screening.
- Each person entering the building over the age of 12 will have to show proof of being fully vaccinated with a QR code (digital or paper copy) along with government issued ID (exception – children born in 2010 and are 12 weeks or less from their birthdate.
- Users will not allow any participant, volunteer, or spectator to enter the facility if they report any symptoms identified on the self-screening form or do not have full vaccine QR proof.
- Ensure that they follow all direction received by APH in the case of an outbreak.
Masking & Sanitizing
- Users will sanitize hands when entering the facility
- Users will ensure that their participants and volunteers wear a mask when in the facility.
- Masks will not be required when engaging in physical activity.
- Masks will be required when in the facility for any other purpose, including going to and from the area in which physical activity occurs.
General Requirements
- Users must enter at the closest entrance to their activity
- All equipment must be sanitized between users and programs
- Minimize the sharing and frequency of touching objects and equipment
- Capacity limits must be adhered to at all times
- Food and drink is only permitted in the ‘Special Event’ rooms, and when booked for that purpose.
Dressing Rooms and Enter/Exit Times
- It is recommended that users come as dressed as possible and with all (or most) of their equipment ready for their specific activity
- Users and participants must enter no earlier then 20 minutes prior to the start time. Users and participants must exit the building within 10 minutes of their allotted end time.
- Dressing rooms will be assigned with the activity booking & based upon request. Users must use their assigned room(s)
Entering, Using, & Exiting the Gym
- It is recommended that users come as dressed as possible
- Users must fob in and complete screening information every time they use the gym, including when staff are present
- The Gym will be closed daily from 2pm – 3pm, for staff to clean and sanitize.
- Dressing rooms can be used, but the Showers and Sauna will remain closed
- Users must sanitize equipment before and after each use
- Upon exiting, users must fob out after hours (after 11pm) All users will be required to self-screen upon entry to the MMCC. This requires the users to fill out the Municipal Screening Form. Any user with any symptoms may not enter the facility.
- Users will not be allowed to bring another non-member into the gym with them, all users must be members who have signed up with Staff and reviewed all facility COVID-19 rules as well as have shown proof of vaccination if applicable.
Bar Specific Requirements
- No more than 10 people may be seated at any table
- Patrons must remain seated at all times, unless entering or exiting, or while placing, paying or picking up their order, or going to or returning from the washroom
- The bar will close no later than 11 pm.
There will be a zero-tolerance policy for breaking the rules or provisions within this reopening plan and the accompanying information sheets. Failure to comply with the plan will result in removal of rental privileges at the MMCC.
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