Algoma District School Board (ADSB) has been advised by Algoma Public Health (APH) that individuals associated with Central Algoma Secondary School (CASS) have tested positive for COVID-19.
At this time, APH is conducting a careful investigation to identify close contacts. Examples of close contacts include household members, people who have been in direct physical contact or belong to the same classroom/cohort, and people who have spent more than 15 minutes together within 2 metres or 6 feet of each other, such as while sharing a meal. Brief interactions, like walking past someone in a hallway or in the playground are not generally considered close contact situations.
Families are reminded that if they have not received a letter from APH, their child is not considered a close contact of an individual who tested positive for COVID-19, in which case it is not recommended having their child tested unless they are showing symptoms of COVID-19.
Due to these positive cases, all secondary students at CASS will pivot to remote learning for the week of March 15th through 19th (note: Friday, March 19th is a PD Day). ADSB will communicate further with families by the end of the week to determine any changes to the status of this learning mode. Central Algoma Intermediate (Grade 7-8) and Central Algoma Elementary (JK-6) will continue with in-person/hybrid learning for the week of March 15th.
Algoma Public Health has provided CASS families important next steps for the following specific cohorts:
CASS Grade 9 Cohort:
• The child must isolate until March 26th, 2021 at midnight. Try to limit interaction with this child in the household as much as possible.
• If you are seeking testing for your child who is asymptomatic APH recommends testing as soon as possible and if negative to repeat testing on or after March 19th, 2021.
CASS Grade 11/12 Cohort:
• The child must isolate until March 19th, 2021 at midnight. Try to limit interaction with this child in the household as much as possible.
• If you are seeking testing for your child who is asymptomatic APH recommends testing as soon as possible.
Bus 58 Cohort (Thessalon to CASS / CASS to Thessalon):
• The child must isolate until March 26th, 2021 at midnight. Try to limit interaction with this child in the household as much as possible.
• If you are seeking testing for your child who is asymptomatic APH recommends testing as soon as possible and if negative to repeat testing on or after March 19th, 2021.
• To arrange testing at the Thessalon COVID-19 Assessment Centre please call 705-356-2265 or 1-888-425-0321 (ext 2662). Online submissions can be submitted by following this link:
In each of these scenarios, it is important that the following steps are followed:
1. Household members of asymptomatic (no covid-19 symptoms) high risk contacts are required to stay home except for essential reasons. Essential reasons include attending school, work, childcare and essential errands such as groceries and going to the pharmacy.
2. If your child is symptomatic call Algoma Public Health and seek testing immediately and ALL household members are required to quarantine (stay home).
Algoma District School Board continues to work closely with APH who remind us of important practices to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19, including:
• Screening children and staff
• Ill individuals should stay home and seek testing
• Household members of ill individuals must also stay home until there is a negative COVID-19 result
• Cohorting (grouping and separation of) students and staff
• Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces
• Using personal protective equipment when appropriate (e.g., masking, eye protection)
• Proper hand hygiene practices
• Posting signage of appropriate public health measures (e.g., hand hygiene, coughing and sneezing etiquette)
• Abilities and opportunities for children and staff to maintain physical distancing
• Identifying children and staff that may have been in greater contact with individuals who have tested positive
• Requiring that a person who has tested positive, and identified close contacts, not attend the child care centre for a prescribed period of time
For more information about Covid-19 please visit the APH website by following this link. For further information about CASS and ADSB’s Covid-19 protocols please visit
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