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On the 7- Day Shelf this week are; “The Law of Innocence” by Michael Connelly, “Fortune and Glory Tantalizing Twenty-Seven” by Janet Evanovich, “Marauder” a novel of the Oregon Files by Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison, “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man” by Emmanuel Acho and “White Ivy” by Susie Yang.
New Movies on the shelf are “The Office Season Four”, “21 Bridges” “The Farewell” and for the kids “The Angry Birds Movie 2”!
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 Lockdown the After School Program will be suspended until further notice. Stay Safe everyone!
The Wawa Public Library is the place to sign up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library! This program provides FREE books on a monthly basis for children ages 0-5! Call or email the Wawa Public Library and sign up today. Our local contact is Cathy Cannon and she can be reached 705-856-2250 or email at [email protected].
You can browse our great selection of books, magazines, DVD’s, Blu-rays, Audiobooks, French books, and more by accessing our website at wawa.olsn.ca. And don’t forget our awesome Children’s collection! All of our collections are available for Curbside Pick-up.
Our dropbox is in place throughout the lockdown for all returns. Please do not deposit batteries or ink cartridges in the dropbox as they may damage our books.
The Wawa Public Library also has many other services available such as photocopying, faxing, laminating, printing, and conversion of VHS to DVD. Please call or e-mail us to access these services through the lockdown.
The Wawa Public Library is following the public health measures recommended by the Government of Ontario therefore it will be a patron’s choice to wear a face mask/covering when entering the library. We ask that you continue to self-assess and if you have flu/cold like symptoms that you NOT come into the library. When in the library, please respect the choices of other patrons. We thank you for your cooperation.
We have a great selection of books, magazines, DVD’s, Blu-rays, Audiobooks, French books, and more available for checkout.The newer magazines are one-week lending and the older ones are three weeks lending.And don’t forget our awesome Children’s collection and our growing Graphic Novel collection.
For the visually impaired, we have a Daisy Reader available for check out as well as books and magazines available on discs and a great selection of Audio Books and PLAYAWAYS.
Don’t forget that your library card gives you access to a huge selection of e-books, audiobooks and now MAGAZINES!Download the app to your computer, tablet or mobile phone and open up a whole new world of reading.With the Libby app you always have a book at your fingertips and it is FREE!Download it today!
We have two computers available for use and two workspaces if a patron would like to bring in their own laptop or tablet. Free WIFI is available.If you do not have a library card, there is a fee of $1.00/half hour for the use of a computer. We sanitize each work space after use.
The Wawa Public Library also has many other services available such as photocopying, faxing, laminating, printing, and conversion of VHS to DVD.For more information call the circulation desk at 705-856-2244 ext. 290 or email us at
[email protected].
The Wawa Public Library welcomes the donation of gently used DVDs and books.What we don’t catalogue we put in our book sales.Thank you in advance for supporting the library!
Remember – library membership is FREE to residents of the Municipality of Wawa and contracting communities. All you need to provide is proof of residency. That would include any document or piece of identification that states both your name and street address. Membership forms can be found on our website at wawa.olsn.ca or come in and sign up at the Wawa Public Library. All are welcome!
Our drop box is in place for all returns. Please do not deposit batteries or ink cartridges in the drop box as they may damage our books.
LIBRARY HOURS – Saturday, Sunday & Monday-closed.The library is open Tuesday-Thursday from 11:00 am - 7:00 pm, Friday from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.
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