The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre (SSMIC) challenges you to be a part of a solution. With the launch of the “Up For The Challenge” section on their website, SSMIC has consolidated national and global challenges and competitions for you to tackle.
The website will eventually feature local challenges that are specific to the Algoma region. SSMIC is currently accepting ideas for challenges and looking for partners to sponsor prizes. The goal of the recent addition of the competition is to inspire Sault Ste. Marie to get involved and encourage innovation in the community and beyond.
The new page on the organization’s website creates a unique platform to invite ideas and solutions directly from the public. In most cases, the national and global challenges will offer funding or grant opportunities if your solution is selected.
The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre believes that contributing to local, national and global challenges is something we can all embrace.
“Some of the challenges that we face today need innovative solutions that will likely involve technology-driven solutions, and we wanted to provide an opportunity for people to share their ideas and have some incentive to do it,” explains Peter Bruijns, Executive Director of SSMIC.
The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre is looking for people to submit their ideas for local challenges and is encouraging businesses to sponsor a local challenge. Visit the Up For The Challenge page at If you are interested in sponsoring a local challenge, please contact John Prgomet.
SOURCE – The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre (SSMIC) is a non-profit organization established in 1999 to function as a catalyst for economic development and diversification in the information technology and science knowledge-based sectors in Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma region. SSMIC’s mission is to drive business growth, facilitate research and commercialize innovation in globally significant areas of science and technology through partnerships, expert advice, community development, business incubation, youth outreach and sector development activities. Key SSMIC business divisions include Acorn Information Solutions (AIS), Rural Agri-Innovation Network (RAIN), Business Support Services, and YouLaunch.
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