Cloud Lake Literary Launched today!

Whether you are in search of the next great read or ready to share your next amazing story, Canada’s newest literary magazine is providing an inclusive space for all readers and writers as it pushes off from shore into the vast Canadian literary landscape.

Cloud Lake Literary, headquartered in Thunder Bay, ON, is pleased to announce the launch of its inaugural volume on September 11, 2020. This digital publication proudly published eleven writers and four artists, including Thunder Bay, ON’s J. E. Crossman (“Getting Up”, creative nonfiction) and Pearl, ON’s Phil Bullough (“The Hilarious Journey of the Red Ball That Says: “BOINK”, children’s literature) alongside writers and artists from across Canada.

“We are thrilled to showcase writers and artists from across the country with a wide range of themes and varying tones to their work. No two stories are alike which should make reading a surprising experience for our audience. You’re bound to find something you’ll love in our pages!” says Jodene Wylie, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Cloud Lake Literary.

In the first issue, readers can expect to experience visits to the dentist (and the lengths we’ll go to avoid it), cycling through Montreal, the journey of a red ball, the adventures that come from raising a wild bear, the thrill of aging, and even something for fandom lovers. Meanwhile, its poetry reflects on music, on darkness, and on the light in the woods. While our artists show us landscapes and portraits that will capture you.

Cloud Lake Literary has received immense support from the writing community and publishers across Canada. Submissions are already being received for Volume Two, which closes on December 31st, 2020 with publication in March 2021. Meanwhile, readers are visiting their website for reviews and interviews with authors such as Mallory Tater (The Birth Yard) and Waubgeshig Rice (Moon of the Crusted Snow).

“We are eagerly diving into our next batch of submissions. Editors are gearing up for Volume Two and we can’t wait to read and see the stories, poetry, and art you have to share,” says Wylie.

Cloud Lake Literary is sharing its first volume free to all readers. Visit to read Volume One and to learn how you can submit your writing and your art for their next volume.

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