Happenings at Wawa First United Church – August 12

It is the Eleventh  Sunday after Pentecost.
Although we cannot meet for Worship together you may like to read the Scriptures for August 16, 2020.
Genesis 45: 1-15                        Joseph is reunited with his brothers.
Psalm 133                                  How pleasant it is when God’s people are together.
Romans 11: 1-2a, 29-32          God has not rejected the Hebrews.
Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28   A Canaanite mother challenges Jesus
To Ponder: When has someone challenged your beliefs in a way that was uncomfortable for you but that also brought greater wisdom into your life?
Gathering  Pentecost 1   2020  pg. 21 – used with permission
Lorna Chiupka is preparing  Bulletins for Morning Worship each Sunday & delivers them.   If you would like to be included please call 856-1518
The U.C. W. requests that ALL items for the next Thrift Shop be saved at home as we cannot enter the Church to sort.
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