AWIC launches Monthly Survey to determine COVID-19 impact on local businesses

The Algoma Workforce Investment Corporation (AWIC) and community partners have designed a monthly survey to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on local businesses and organizations during and beyond the COVID–19 crisis. Your feedback will help us communicate directly to municipal, provincial and federal governments your needs in a timely and coordinated manner, and help us as we plan for post-crisis recovery.

Tell us how COVID-19 is impacting your business!  Please take a few minutes to complete our April survey.

Completing the Survey:
* Although you might receive a request to complete the survey from more than one source, we ask that you complete the survey only once.
* Please answer all questions as accurately and completely as possible.
* The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete

The survey has been designed to protect your identity.  All answers given will be treated in strict confidence and they will be used only for statistical purposes and published in aggregate form only.

A copy of the results will be made available at and linked to community partner websites. Please provide your email address at the end of the survey if you would like to have a copy sent to you.

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