Ontario Northland and United Steelworkers Local 1976 Reach Agreement

Dec 11, 2019 @ 09:37

Ontario Northland and the United Steelworkers Local 1976 are pleased to announce a labour agreement has been reached.

United Steelworkers Local 1976 represents over 90 employees working in the areas of rail traffic control, customer service and sales and train operations (locomotive engineers and conductors).

“This agreement balances the interests of employees with Ontario Northland’s operational requirements,” said Danielle Baker, Director of Human Resources. “This five year agreement will provide stability and we look forward to building on this foundation to improve transportation services together.”

“This is a positive step for Ontario Northland,” stated Brandon Gowlett Chief Steward with United Steelworkers Local 1976. “Our bargaining team worked hard and we look forward to presenting this to our members over the next few weeks.”

Ontario Northland moves people and goods throughout northeastern Ontario. Last year, Ontario Northland fulfilled over 51,000 passenger trips on its Polar Bear Express passenger train and over 311,000 on its motor coaches. Express freight shipments between Cochrane and Moosonee amounted to over 4.8 million kilograms, while over 33,000 carloads of freight were shipped in and out of northeastern Ontario.

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