Chief Paul Syrette and the Ojibway citizens of the Garden River First Nation join the many Indigenous leaders and friend from across Turtle island to condemn the armed military actions against the Hereditary Wet’suwet’en leadership, citizens and their allies in protecting their traditional land and sovereignty on pipeline development.
“The actions of the armed police force levelled against a peaceful rally and the imprisonment of the Wet’suwet’en is a stark reminder how deep colonialism and racism is embedded in the Canadian political systems and the significant gap that continues to exist in Canada’s efforts to find a path towards reconciliation “ stated Chief Syrette.
These barbaric military tactics and actions certainly do not represent the spirit of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement that “no relationship is more important to Canada than the relationship with Indigenous peoples.”
We have just come through 150 years of oppression, assimilation, cultural genocide and the attempted annihilation of First Nations and it seems that Confederation policies will remain the same for the next 150 years despite hallow talk to build a new Nation to Nation relationship with the original people of Turtle Island by the demonstration of heavy handed actions that have now been observed around the world.
We stand in unity and solidarity with our British Columbia Wet’suwete’en brothers and sisters who courageously and determined to protect and defend fairness, justice, and the truth.
Theses military actions will not intimidate us and we will take all reasonable and diplomatic actions to support the movement to protect our Mother the Earth from designed destruction. Any effort to steal our lands will be met with opposition.
Perhaps the Honourable Member of Parliament for Abitibi-Baie James Nunavik-Eeyou Romeo Saganash was truthful when he spoke in the House of Commons.
We call on our National and Regional Indigenous leadership to publicly condemn these actions and to stand with the people of the land and seek out community solutions.
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