Wawa Residents,
My family and I have recently lived a tragedy that nobody should ever have to go through. However, if your destiny makes you live such a tragedy; be grateful if it happens in the little town called Wawa. The love and comfort that was shown to my family and myself, during our darkest days were beyond incredible. From day one, there was always someone there offering comfort, love, reassuring words, food and tons of hugs.
To the people of Wawa, you know who you are, THANK YOU! I wish I could name you all, but I know I would forget someone and that would not be right!
To the OPP who answered our call and came within 20 minutes; aerial searches and water searches were coordinated within hours. The comfort and humanity shown to us was just remarkable, these officers showed so much compassion and felt our pain. When everything was said and done, they had tears in their eyes. They would not shake our hands, they hugged us. To you, the men and woman who did everything in your power to bring my husband, father of my children and grandfather to my grandbabies home, and like us, so wanted a different outcome I say THANK you!
To my cousin Monique Gendron who took care of my two precious grandbabies and loved them like her own, THANK YOU. I love you Monique
To my aunts, uncles, brother in laws, nephews and cousins, Micheline and Rocky, Raymond and Diane, Roger and Adriana, Travis and Alison, Monique and Mike, Christine and Marc, Martin, Robert, Gerald, Richard, Matthieu, Megan and Kevin thank you for the food, for the hugs, for going out in the boats and searching, for the comfort…for being present THANK YOU! I love you all!
To my beautiful strong sister Lucille, my brother in law Carl and two nephews, Brandon and Bradley, who stayed by our side for 10 days, Lulu with her support, her hugs, her love, taking messages when I did not have the energy to talk to anybody and so so much more. To Carl for being there with his boat, his concern, his hugs, his help and so much more. Brandon and Bradley for being in the boat checking the waters, taking the bikes and doing all the trails in the bush, for getting the helicopter to help in the search, for the daily Tim Hortons, and again so much more. You guys were our rock, I really have no idea what we would have done without you, I am so proud to call you MY family, THANK YOU, and I love you all so much.
To our friends and family who checked in daily, for the messages, the support and your presence from afar, THANK YOU!
Terry Bernath, what can I say to you? Thank you just does not cover the gratitude I have for you, you brought our Dan home, you went out searching for a stranger, someone you did not know and brought him back to us, to you Terry; I say THANK YOU but I want to say so much more but I cannot find the words. You will forever have a place in my heart.
Last but not the least, my Mother, she put her own grief on hold to be strong for my children and I, she lost her partner, her friend, the man she has loved for 43 years, she needed to be sure her baby girl was eating and was okay. This tiny little being that holds so much love for her family, she is our life, our rock and to you, Mom I say THANK YOU! And I LOVE YOU!
Wawa residents, I love you and I THANK God for you! Hug your loved ones, tell them you love them as often as possible, and please be safe! I will be back in happier times and I really hope I can give each and every one of you a huge hug!
Denise, Stephanie, Nicholas, Sheldon and Austin, Maxime and Frederique
- KENNEDY, Olga Ann - March 11, 2025
- SPRENG, Darwin Ross “Spike” - February 25, 2025
- BZDELL, Richard “Rick” “Rigamo” - February 21, 2025