Hawk Junction Remembers – Remembrance Day 2017

Nov 8, 2017 @ 09:42


On Sunday, November 5th, 2017 Hawk Junction held their Remembrance Day Ceremony. A small crowd gathered to watch the parade, prayers led by Chaplain Lorna Chipkua, and laying of wreaths at the Pine Grove Ceremony.

Billy Valois read the Honour Roll of Hawk Junction residents

World War I

Bill Atkinson, Art Duncan, Fred Jones, Jim Gibbons, George McDermott, Pete Valois

World War II

Harold Armstrong, Jim Armstrong, Russ Atkinson, Ken Atkinson, Malcolm Bain, James Beaton, Jim Beatty, Bill Belcher, Hubert “Bud” Biron, Dave Blythe, Theo Bouliane, George Boucher, Pete Boucher, JLO Burns, Ned Burns, Eugene “Chief” Chartrand, Dorothy Cormier, Normand Cormier, Jim Davey, Oswald “Ossi” Dent, Joe Elliott, Emmet Faulkner, Brodie Fletcher, Ed Gardner, Herb Garland, Eric Johnson, Alex Keen, Joe Kenny, Roy Kitts, Romeo “Ottawa” Lacelle, Omer Latour, Don McMillan, Grant McWatters, Wesley McGie, Johnny Mills, John R. Montgomery, Stan Moore, Jim Mulheron, Wilford “Moon” Mullins, Joe Rainville, Henry Richards, Matt Richards, Bill Richards, Floyd Roberts, Joe Rousseau, Max Rousseau, Bodhay Sally, Lowe Sally, Tom Smith, Ken Thompson, Fred Turner, John Turner, George Valois, Jack Valois, Wes Watson, Dr. Donald Westcott, George Weston


Rev. Charles Morley Robert Richards, Fred Sachro


David Gay, Chuck Jones, Donald McKenzie, Weldon “Skipper” Mersereau, Alfred Skouris, William “Skory” Skouris, Walter Wallace

After the ceremony, everyone enjoyed a luncheon at the Hawk Junction Community Centre.