WFHT Donates to Pastor Lachine’s Free Meal Program

Like many other organizations and businesses in our area, staff at the Wawa Family Health Team pay a Toonie to wear jeans on Fridays. These funds are collected throughout the year and at year end, the staff decides on which charity they want to donate their funds to. In the past, we have contributed to several different programs that help our clients in many different ways.

This year, the funds raised were donated to Pastor Brian Lachine to help fund the free monthly lunches and dinners he provides. These meals are provided free of charge and are open to ANYONE in the community.  All the food is prepared by members of his parish community.

Lunches are served at the Pentecostal Church, every second Tuesday of the month and the dinners are served at the Mountain View Apartment Complex the last Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.

Just before Christmas, Pastor Brian was called to the clinic and assured he was not ill, we just wanted to see him. We surprised him with our donation of Grocery Cards to help him fund the free meals he provides.  It’s a wonderful way to share a meal and socialize with other members of the community.

Thank you Pastor Brian, for not only feeding hungry souls, but feeding hungry bellies!

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