Dr. David Suzuki tells Teeswater Ontario audience: “Don’t trust corporations with nuclear waste”

At a public event hosted by Protect Our Waterways, Dr. David Suzuki urged over 150 attendees to question corporate and governments’ assurances regarding nuclear waste safety. He emphasized, “Science is not equipped to confidently store radioactive waste for 10,000 years. If it’s so safe, why not place these repositories near major cities where electricity demand is highest?”

Dr. Gordon Edwards, President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the risks of radioactivity leaks caused by damage during repackaging. He lamented the lack of a scientific or ethical rationale for the planned abandonment of these radioactive poisons, noting that the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) withheld information important for the community to know.

Former Physicians for Global Survival Executive Director Dr. Dale Dewar warned, “Approving a site in South Bruce would be a license for premeditated harm,” while Brennain Lloyd from Northwatch criticized the NWMO’s vague “concept” plan, questioning how residents could agree to host millions of radioactive fuel rods without a detailed proposal. Theresa McClenaghan of the Canadian Environmental Law Association made the point that there is no definition in case law to describe what ‘willing’ means.

Dr. Gordon Edwards concluded with a stark warning: “Radioactive iodine and radioactive caesium will contaminate the area permanently and will cause cancers over time. Small communities are preferred so that any resulting cancer cases will appear insignificant.”

Protect Our Waterways distributed lawn signs urging residents to “Vote. It Matters.”

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