FONOM Disappointed with Decision to Cancel Energy East

Oct 10, 2017 @ 09:47

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is disappointed with the decision to cancel the proposed Energy East pipeline project as announced on October 5, 2017 by TransCanada.


The proposed Energy East project, which included approximately 3,000 kilometres of existing pipeline to be converted and 1,500 kilometres of new pipeline, would have had significant socio-economic benefits within Northern Ontario. Communities would have experienced job creation as well as economic activity through the purchase of goods and services during the development and construction phase and during the long-term operation of the pipeline.


Also troubling are the negative impacts to the environment as a result of the cancellation of the Energy East proposal. Transporting oil by pipeline is a much more environmentally sound method of transportation rather than by rail or truck and there is less risk of a spill. Pipelines must adhere to high environmental regulations and safety standards.


“The negative impact to municipalities will be felt not only in Northern Ontario but also across Canada,” said Mayor Al Spacek of Kapuskasing and President of FONOM. “Canada will be forced to continue to import oil from foreign nations, including those that have deplorable human rights violations,” continued Spacek.


“Environmentalists will claim this as a victory but in fact, this is a serious detriment to the safety and security of our communities. There is no question when you factor in the negative effects on the environment and potential for dangerous spills, shipping by rail or truck is statistically less safe than by pipeline.”