2022 Open Bonspiel

What to do – no Curling Bonspiels in (3) years and COVID still imposing restrictions?  The three Curling Leagues joined forces and organized a Local Bonspiel that was restricted to local curlers who curled in the Regular Season and who were all fully vaccinated as required for admittance to the MMCC. Teams could consist of players from any of the leagues – Men’s Mixed and/or Ladies.  It was interesting to see the format of the teams – some were the “normal” league team while others picked up players from other teams.

The Bonspiel consisted of (12) teams with the First Draws at 6:30 and 8:30 pm on Friday.  Then the Saturday games began at 8:00 am with coffee and muffins provided by North of 17. Games continued throughout the afternoon with several surprising results.  Competition is fun and it can bring out the best performance in individuals and teams.  In some cases, the teams finished their games – had a short refreshment break and were back out on the ice.  The elimination games were completed before supper and teams were given a breather before supper was served.

Pat Haron and her gang provided a roast beef and chicken meal with all of the trimmings.  No one goes away hungry.  Teams in the championship games were given time to let the meal settle and to gather around to determine their game strategy while re-energizing.  There can be a lot of games for a team in the (2) day tournament.  Some of us wiser (and older curlers) were able to be eliminated earlier in the schedule and avoided the muscle aching regime of Bonspiel curling.

There were three Divisions in the Championship round which began at 8:00 pm.

The Bonspiel was very successful thanks to the enthusiasm of the participants and to the many individuals who helped to organize the event and who made the Bonspiel flow so smoothly. And once again thank you to local businesses who supported the event.

Final Bonspiel Standings of Championship Game.  At this event, we were assured that Canadian Teams would bring the Gold home.

Event Champion Runner-up
First Event Team FAHRER Team TERRIS
Second Event Team CORLEY Team STOYCHEFF
Third Event Team McCOY Team HOFFMANN


The Open Bonspiel was an opportunity for curlers and others to socialize in a controlled environment and to enjoy some friendly competition.

The Leagues hope to see more new curlers in the 2022 – 2023 Season and once again have the three (3) Regular Bonspiels back.  Organized curling in Wawa dates back to about 1947.


Thanks for a Great Season