Thank you from the Kusic Family

We have to express our sincere thanks for the support that has come from the community for our son and family. The emails and texts expressing your support, prayers and good thoughts have helped us immensely.
To Dusan’s friends; we have read every message to him and we know he can hear them.   He will continue to fight knowing that you are there for him.
To the paramedics, police officers, firefighters, nurses, doctors, and hospital staff your dedication and commitment was immense.  We know that it is because of you, our son is alive today. We will forever be indebted to you.
Alexis, a true friend forever, you are our little miracle.
Dusan has a very long road ahead of him built with all this support he will fight to prove how much he appreciates you all.
Thank you, everyone, from the bottom of our hearts.  Wawa is the gem of the North because of the people in it.
Petar, Jamie and Tiana Kusic


  1. Darleen and Rick Dickson

    We are thinking of you all and sending get well wishes to Dusan for a complete recovery.

  2. Nicole and mark Murray

    Thinking of you all!! Praying for you Dusan!! Much love from wawa

  3. We all pray that your son will have a full recovery. Thoughts & prayers are with your familt & Dusan.

  4. Daryl & Silvana Dereski

    Keeping all of you in our thoughts and praying for a full recovery for Dusan.

  5. Keeping your family in my thoughts. Sending Dusan a load of good wishes for a quick recovery.

  6. Claude and Lorraine Samson

    Thinking of you during these difficult times. Wishing Dusan a speedy recovery.

  7. Thinking of you all and keeping you in my thoughts! <3

  8. Petar, Jamie, Tiana and Dusan
    Praying for all of you, sending you positive energy
    and remember to “never give up”

  9. Suzanne Jarrell

    Keeping Dusan in my prayers. Thinking of you all and wishing Dusan a full recovery.

  10. Carol-Anne, Jamie, Lindsay and Brett

    We are thinking of you all, praying for Dusan’s recovery! If Skittles needs anything please just ask!! Sending you big hugs!

  11. John & Linda Guindon

    Sending our thoughts, prayers and support to you all. Keep fighting Dusan!

  12. Praying for you all and sending so much love! ♡

  13. Cyril and Goldine Taylor

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you Jamie and your family Stay strong we love you Many Many prayers for your son Dusan

  14. Dusan, you have the strength and courage of your great parents…passing all of our love and energy to the whole family.
    Laraine and Peter Forgrave

  15. Your family is in my thoughts. I wish a speedy revovery and nothing but the best for you and your family

  16. Gerry and Irene Bugyra

    Praying for a speedy recovery for Dusan. God Bless the Kusic family during this difficult time. Thinking of our neighbors from the past.