Monday Morning News – August 5


  • Today – Sunny. Becoming a mix of sun and cloud near noon. High 22. UV index 6 or high.
  • Tonight – Partly cloudy. Becoming clear this evening. Low 10.

Northeast Forest Fire Region Update:

  • There are currently 21 wildland fires in the Northeast Region: 16 are being observed, 2 are being held and 3 are not under control. In the Wawa area, Wawa 10 (WAW010) is being held at 0.1 hectares in size. This fire is located approximately 9 kilometers north of Dotted Lake. The fire hazard is moderate to high for most of the Northeast Region. There are pockets of extreme fire hazard over Pukaskwa National Park, east of Obatanga Provincial Park, north of Elliot Lake and an area north of Kapuskasing over the Mattagami River.
Brenda Stockton
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