3rd annual Family Colour Run – Saturday, June 29th

This year will be our 3rd annual Family Colour Run as well as its second year celebrating PRIDE

This event is sponsored by Superior Children’s Centre Wawa EarlyON Child and Family Centre with funding provided by Participaction Canada.

All families, members of the community and any tourists that may be able to join us, are welcomed to attend the event.

They are encouraged to walk, run or jog the course from Wawa Beach up to Lions Beach Front.

Those with accessibility issues are encouraged to come and participate with their scooters or wheelchairs.

Be sure to wear a white T-shirt to show off your colours as you pass the stations on the way to the end of the run.

There are several events this month that are part of the Participaction Community Challenge and our event will also be documented in the stats to go towards helping our community get crowned “Canada’s Most Active”.

Where and when is all this happening?

Join us at the Wawa Beach Front where all the fun starts, on Saturday June 29th from 11:30 am until 2 pm. We hope to have special car appearances, face painting, giveaways, draws and more!! We do need volunteers to help so if you’re hearing this and would like to help out that day or just want to know more about the event please feel free to call our centre at 705-856-7354 or you can email myself at [email protected].

You can also view more information in our Facebook group – Wawa EarlyON Child and Family Centre under the pinned section.

By providing this event, it our hope to build connections in the community that will enhance wellbeing, a better sense of belonging, a platform to engage and learn with others, and freedom of expression to communicate positive messages to the rest of the community and the world.

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