This past Sunday we heard of different ways one might understand the Ten Commandments. They are found in Exodus 30:2-12, Deuteronomy 5:6-21 and Exodus 34: 11-26 is the Ritual Decalogue.
The Ten Commandments concern matters of fundamental importance in Judaism and Christianity. The greatest obligation (to worship only God), the greatest injury to a person (murder), the greatest injury to family bonds (adultery), the greatest injury to commerce and law ( bearing false witness). The greatest inter-generational obligation (honour to parents), the greatest obligation to community ( truthfulness) the greatest injury to movable property (theft).
The commandments are written with room for varying interpretation reflecting their roles as a summary of fundamental principles.
Scripture Readings for Sunday March 1oth, Fourth Sunday of Lent
- Numbers 21:4-9 A bronze serpent heals the people
- Ephesians 2:1-10 We are not saved by our own doing, but by grace
- John 3: 14-21 For God so loved the world
John3:16 is likely the most famous of all scripture passages. Yet it is juxtaposed in the lectionary this week with the story of Moses lifting up a snake on a cross in the wilderness.
In this story from Numbers, we encounter the cranky Hebrew people. The longer they wander, the more complaints they have, and the crankier they get. They don’t like the food, they’re thirsty, they’re tired, they want to go back to Egypt, they’re sick of camping. Finally, they reach the boiling point and complain to Moses that they’ve had enough. God retaliates by sending venomous snakes into the encampment.
While this seems a little harsh on God’s part, what parent hasn’t been pushed to the limit? Yet the arc of the scripture story is one of a relentless and undeterred God who does whatever necessary to maintain a relationship with humanity. Even in this situation and after an extreme reaction, God receives the people’s prayers and provides a cure for snake bites.
Fear of the unknown, fear of the other, fear of failure, fear of death – these cause spiritual and emotional paralysis. During this Lenten journey, let us reflect on how we are afflicted by fear’s venom and remember that it is only by moving headlong into death’s shadow that we can know Christ’s resurrected love. (the Gathering L/E 2024)
The Annual Congregational meeting will take place after the Service on Sunday, March 10th. Please plan to be in attendance, everyone is important.
The Cross of Lights will be lit on March 29th – Good Friday. If you would like to purchase a bulb in celebrations or in memory of someone please contact Maria at 705-856-2861. Cost per bulb $5.
The Prayer Shawl group will meet on Sat. Mar. 9th from 3-4:30 pm in the Family Room. All knitters and crocheters are welcome, needles and wool can be provided.
Remember March 10th the clocks spring ahead one hour
March 8 – International Women’s Day
March 14 – PIE ( National Affirming) Day (
March 18 – Global Recycling Day
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025