First United Church Wawa – March 1

This week the scripture was Matt: 1-12 and the message was how to say “NO” when tempted to make a wrong choice. A two year old has no problem saying, “NO”. Can you?
Our challenge this week, the first week of Lent, is to make a list of three things, three Christian values to which we have said, “yes” Eg. Yes, I value faithfulness; Yes, I value kindness; Yes, I value generosity. Then through this week, when you have a choice to say, “NO” when it contradicts your list, will you do it, and stick to the values to which you have said, “Yes”?
This Week:
Bible Study with the Lectionary is March 2, 1:30 p.m. in the Family Room. Interested people are welcome to join us.
World Day of Prayer Service is Thursday, March 2nd at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Anglican Church.
The Cross of Lights will be lit on Palm Sunday, bulbs of memory can be purchased for $5.  Contact Maria Reid at 705-856-2861 or drop your request in an envelope on the offering plate on Sunday.
United Church