Municipal Elections 2022 – Candidate Profiles

Here are profiles of candidates running in the upcoming municipal elections. Candidates profiles will be posted as they are received.

Micheline Hatfield:
To the residents of Wawa

I have been of resident of Wawa for more than 50 years. I love our little town.

During those years I volunteered for many organizations such as Minor Hockey, Curling, and Girl Guides to name a few. In addition to that, I was involved with many committees such as Economic Development, Hospital Recruitment, Heritage, Algoma Health and a few more.

I am familiar with issues that our community faces. Some of those issues include Housing, Aging Infrastructure, and the Beautification of the many areas of our town.

Having been a councillor during this last term, I understand the governance role of the councillor and the operational function of the staff and their importance. Council members have one vote and respect and honour the decisions made by our council. As a councillor I represent the community, I am here to represent the residents in our community and do my best to make informed decisions based on information by staff in an open dialogue.

I believe strongly in the Strategic Plan that has been put into place and do my best to make fiscally responsible decisions.

An issue that is always on everyone’s agenda is lowering taxes. This is extremely important along with many other challenges.

Our responsibility is to have things progressing through the years like water and sewer 5,10, or 15 years from now. We must ensure we have Road maintenance and equipment, playgrounds and as many recreational programs as possible.

In closing I have compassion for our town and for the people, I strive to make the right decisions that benefit the community as a whole. Wawa has a great future and I’m happy to be part of it and would like to continue to work towards the future development of our town.


Cathy Cannon

I am a long-time resident of Wawa, committed to volunteering in the community.

I operate the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which is proudly sponsored by the Rotary Club of Wawa and am the secretary of the Wawa Sno-Rider’s Club.

In 2021, I was appointed Municipal Councillor and have worked hard to serve the residents of Wawa.

My goal is to promote a prosperous community while protecting the town’s best interests. I am not afraid to speak for the citizens of Wawa and I work with the Township staff to continue to grow the place we call home.


Jim Hoffmann

Hello. I am Jim Hoffmann.  I was born and raised in Wawa.  I went to school at St Joseph’s and Michipicoten High, and graduated from the journalism program at Sault College.   I returned to Wawa after college and was hired by the town to teach swimming lessons in 1974.  Then I worked in the parks and recreation department and retired in 2009 after 34 years.  In 2010, I was voted as president of the Wawa men’s curling club, which seems to be a lifetime position as I’m still the president after 13 years. I am an avid walker and snowshoer.  You may have seen me on the highway wearing out my running shoes, or on the cemetery trails, where I have developed about 10 km of snowshoe trails which many Wawa residents have come to enjoy.


I’m running for council because having worked for the town, I know how it operates, and now I would like to see it from the top.  My goal is to do what is best for the town and the taxpayer.  I believe it is better to be a doer than a complainer.


Some of the things that are important to me are:

  • Fiscal responsibility – I believe that if you are going to do something, do it right. Do not waste taxpayers’ money by doing a poor job. For instance, the Boreal trail, better known as the Wawa Lake boardwalk, is far too narrow.  It is hard for two people to walk side by side, and it is impossible for a wheelchair.  The signs and benches were not made to withstand our northern climate.  Another example is the goose nest market which has operated for several years in its current format but needs to be improved.
  • Infrastructure – Many of our sidewalks, streets, sewers, and waterlines still need to be refurbished. As well, several buildings need repair. This can be seen at the MMCC where the fascia is falling off the building. Our town hall needs to be wheelchair accessible. The tourist information centre overlooks the highway, but no longer has a view of the highway boasted about on its signage.
  • Attracting businesses to town – Our downtown core has several derelict buildings. We must revitalize our business district.
  • Housing – With all the talk of new mines opening and on-going projects, we must solve the problem of housing, providing for the influx of new people to our town.
  • Seniors – We don’t have enough senior housing, nor do we have sufficient long-term care beds in our community. It is important that we keep seniors in their homes.   How can we support seniors living independently?  The biggest complaint I hear is about snow removal, or more specifically, filling people’s driveways with snow when the township clears the streets.  There must be a better way.


Since deciding to run for town council, and having attended council meetings over the summer, I have come to realize that some of these items are being addressed, alongside other important projects such as the new dump. Council and municipal employees are genuinely concerned about our town.  I intend to work with goodwill and co-operation with the mayor and fellow councillors, and our municipal staff to do what is in the best interest of our town and taxpayer.  I can’t promise anything, but only to listen to the voters and to do my best.

Angela Calaiezzi

Hello, I am Angela Calaiezzi and I am running for municipal council.  I was raised in Wawa.  I attended both SJD and MHS and left Wawa to pursue my education at the University of Toronto.  My career choices kept me away from Wawa for many years but, I recently moved back with my family (husband and teenage daughter).  I currently work at Lady Dunn Health Centre as the Quality, Risk and Fundraising Coordinator.

In addition to my 25+ years of Operational Business management I also have been a very active member of my community.  Prior to moving back to Wawa, I actively participated on Committees of Council in my municipality.  I was on the Committee of Adjustment, Recreation Committee, Policing Committee and a founding member of the local Community Garden. I was also active as a parent as a member of the parent/teacher council at our daughters schools.  I am currently a member of the parent teacher/council at MHS and a member of the Wawa Economic Development & Tourism Committee.

I am not going to promise to lower your taxes or that new housing developments will go up tomorrow but, I am going to promise to bring your concerns forward to be heard with probable solutions.

Did you know that Wawa had a strategic plan and that it clearly identifies the six key priority areas of the municipality?

Strategic Plan 2021-2025:

  1. Infrastructure Improvements – Roads, buildings and outside recreational areas etc.
  2. Tourism & Economic Development – All encompassing (Housing, Community Improvement Plan, Tourism etc.)
  3. Government Operations – following through with the plans and sharing those results in an accountable and transparent manner.
  4. Long-term Financial Planning – effectively managing the municipal finances ensuring a sustainability.
  5. Human Resources – maintaining an effective municipal workforce (staff and council).
  6. Programs & Services – maintaining and improving the services that we have. Increased recycling has an estimated timeline of 2022-23.

The building blocks are in place; the new Mayor and Council will be responsible for ensuring the follow through.

There should be accountability, transparency and inclusivity in the decisions that are made in your community.

I am running for Municipal Council because I think that I can make a difference; I want to be your voice.  Currently Wawa is facing many challenges and what I see is that change accompanied by progress is required.

Your voice should be heard.  Yes, Wawa needs change but, change is only good if it is also progress.  I will be your voice and support progress.


Mary Harbocian

My name is Mary Harbocian. I have been coming here for almost 40 years, to my camp on Kabenung Lake. And now, my husband and I have decided to make Wawa our home.
I have 5 children and 6 grandchildren, with another on the way. I am a musician, a business owner, and a gardener. I want to move this town forward in an open, inclusive, sustainable way. Calling ourselves a mining town is no longer sustainable. I see this town as a Retirement Community, a Tourist Destination and an Artist Hub.
I want to tackle the obvious housing crisis. I would like to see recycling come to Wawa. I think it’s important to be Stewards of this Earth. I would like to see more activities for our children. For example, Splash Pad, Skate Park and Pool.
Let’s beautify the downtown. Make it a place that is welcoming.
I would like to see an independent EDC once again.
I want to see an open, accessible, transparent and accountable Town Council that holds Town Hall meetings regularly.
Diversity is what’s needed.
Leah Isosaari
Hello everyone, I’m Leah Isosaari. I have called Wawa home my entire life even in the time I spent away from here.
I am so grateful to be part of this community and want nothing more than to help bring us forward. I am a self-employed and a mom of three young kids.
I want to make our community the best it can be going forward. I hope to be part of a more inclusive and open council. There are many things to address in the coming years and I feel as though I can bring a new and different perspective.
We all love our community and only want to see the best version of it, my hope is to help promote and provide that in the best way we can.
Robert Reeves

Hello, my name is Rob Reeves. I moved to Wawa in 2019 from Kitchener Ontario. I moved my family (wife Patricia and 3 kids) to Wawa to be part of a community. Myself and my wife Patricia own and operate the Thrift Barn.

The Thrift Barn helps people in need in our community by offering free-of-charge clothing and household items. We support our local shelter, food bank and victim services. During the summer we donate fresh produce weekly to the food bank.

My background is as follows, Management in manufacturing, business owner, and landlord.

I believe that my background will help develop Wawa in a positive way.

My passions are as follows.

Attract a variety of business to Wawa.

  1. Having variety of shops so people can shop local and not have to shop online or drive to Sault St Marie.

Long term goal: to build an indoor pool near the hospital. Obtain grants and sponsorships from local mines and businesses. Involve the community with fundraising.

  1. Teach kids in the winter swimming lessons
  2. Lifeguard training, part-time job for our youth
  3. Water aerobics
  4. Physical therapy

Housing crisis due to influx of mine workers and work from home employment.

  1. Low-income Senior housing
    1. Support for independent living seniors
  2. New builds for growing population
    1. Apartments
    2. Town houses
    3. Triplexes
    4. Store fronts with apartments above shops on Broadway. Tear down buildings on Broadway and attract investors
  3. Activities for our youth
    1. Wawa lake floating park
    2. Skateboard, bike, roller skating outdoor park
    3. Splash pad
  4. Recycling and composting program
  5. Music, Arts, nightlife, and festivals
    1. Create opportunities for our local talent
    2. Use goose nest market for more than market needs
    3. Create programs at community center for the arts
    4. Library updates such as equipment e.g. 3 d printer, workshops for art /crafts, clubs chess, instrument loans

I am not able to make any promises.

I will do my best to obtain grants and sponsorships to help develop Wawa and not count on raising taxes. I will be accountable, transparent, and inclusive with my decisions. We all know that change doesn’t happen overnight, but I hope that I can make a positive impact for our community for the next 4 years.

I am a team player, and I am looking forward to working with our council and mayor on the strategic plan to make positive changes in Wawa.




Brenda Stockton
Latest posts by Brenda Stockton (see all)

One comment

  1. I was hoping that the Candidates would share their profiles so we could get to know more about them. I really don’t know everyone running and I don’t want to “guess” who would best serve Wawa