Karate Tournament Returns to Wawa

Sensei Matt Larrett is hosting the first karate tournament in Wawa in a decade. This small regional tournament will be held at Michipicoten High School, on Sunday, June 2. The doors will open at 9:00 a.m. with the Black Belt Meeting and Warm Up at 9:30 a.m.


Matt explained “I’ll be expanding and aiming for something bigger next year. I’m really hoping to see lots of support from the local community.  We need participants, and of course families to cheer them on.  If you are interested volunteering on the day, more hands always make light work.”


For competitors and spectators, a reasonably priced lunch will be available during the tournament. A raffle table is also planned and donations are welcomed. Contact Sensei Matt at [email protected] for further details.

Of course, you could just come out and watch some excellent Martial Sport and maybe buy a few raffle table tickets!