Apr 5, 2017 @ 07:31
The Wawa Economic Development Corporation in partnership with the Municipality of Wawa are selling rain barrels at the low price of $45.00 until April 28th to encourage residents to reduce municipally treated water during the summer months.
“Rain barrels are an excellent way to conserve water and get residents prepared for paying by amount of water used. Rain barrels provide untreated water for lawns and gardens. You can water for hours, with zero environmental impact.” explains Shawn Mahon, Green Project Coordinator. Councilor Yvan Besner says “it’s easy to attach a hose, or use with a watering can, and is perfect for potted plants.”
The rain barrels are designed to collect rainwater from existing downspouts and can hold up to 220L of water. They come with a spigot, tap, and a mosquito/leaf basket and are available in blue, grey or terracotta.
Anyone interested in purchasing a rain barrel must come to the EDC office (96 Broadway Ave) and pay for their barrel with cash or cheque. The barrels will be available on May 6th at the Wawa Community Centre Curling Rink by April 28th. Next to the rain barrels you will find Algoma Power Inc. representatives handing out FREE retractable clotheslines for API customers. If you have any questions please call Shawn Mahon at (705) 856-4419 or by e-mail at [email protected]
10 Benefits of a Rain Barrel
- Rainwater is better for your plants and soil.
- You’ll save money.
- You’ll reduce run-off pollution.
- You’ll prevent erosion.
- You’ll alleviate stress on treatment plants.
- Is a fresh, green way to wash cars or pets.
- Is an eco-friendly way to keep compost moist.
- Will help control moisture levels around your home’s foundation.
- You’ll have your own source of water in times of drought or water restriction.
- You’ll be part of a water saving community.
This project is funded through the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
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