Hat’s Off to Darwin!

Hat’s Off To “Mr. Darwin Larrett” of Catfish Lake for sharing his valuable time with the senior citizens Of Catfish Lake this past year and taking time to share with them his empathy, understanding and teaching skills.


In the past year, Darwin always made himself available to lend a hand to those in need to our tiny neighbourhood members. He even taught one old senior how to fish and Oh Ya “How To Ride A Bicycle Again” after 50 years. LOL


“D’s” special skills and talents have already turned him into a fine young man and soon someday he will be a definite asset to the community of Wawa and to the world. Just “Show me the money”. Eh “D” ? … LOL


Please give well deserved pats on the back to his loving parents Matt & Shani and brother Jake the next time you see them.


Good job Darwin “D”!


Thank You


Ken & Luanne, Catfish Lake