Road Conditions – December 21

A winter weather travel advisory is in for a large swath of Northern Ontario as shown in the graphic to the right.

Snowfall accumulations of 10 to 15 centimetres are expected, but will vary depending on your location.

A low-pressure system will track across the Great Lakes today and tonight creating reduced visibility and poor travel conditions.

Check Environment Canada for details on your location.

Primary Conditions Secondary Conditions Visibility
Hwy 17 West/North 50km From Wawa to Paint Lake Rd, Wawa bare and dry good
70km From Paint Lake Rd, Wawa to Mobert bare and dry bare and wet, partly snow covered
101 63km From Wawa to Hwy 651 (Missinabi Corners) bare and dry snow packed good
144km Hwy 651 (Missinabi Corners) to the Shawmere River partly snow packed bare and wet good
Hwy 17 South/East 40km From Mijinemunghshing Lake to Wawa bare and dry good
105km From Montreal River Bridge to Mijinemunghshing Lake snow packed good
112km Sault Saint Marie North Limits to Montreal River Bridge bare and wet partly snow packed good
Hwy 519 40km From Hwy 17 to Green Lake Road bare and dry bare and wet, partly snow covered good
Hwy 631 170km From White River to Highway 11 bare and wet bare and dry, partly snow packed good
Hwy 547 5km From Hwy 101 to Hawk Junction bare and dry snow packed good
Hwy 651 50km From Hwy 101 to Missinabi snow packed good
Hwy 129 126km From Thessalon to Hinckler Lake snow packed partly snow packed good
Hwy 129 100km from Hinckler Lake to Chapleau partly snow packed snow packed good
Brenda Stockton
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