I need everyone’s help in spreading a message to our community, as it is obvious in the last few days that many are missing the message and information given by our Canadian Government and Algoma Public Health. I am sure every business that has remained open would appreciate this message to be communicated to all as well.
- Please stop panic buying, buy only what you need for one week, and we will have lots for everyone.
- Do not shop more than once or twice a week, Stop coming in daily. Stop coming in more than once a day.
- Please shop by yourself. Don’t bring your kids, spouse, family or friends with you. There is a limited amount of people allowed in the store at one time.
- We limit the amount of shoppers allowed in the store at one time for your safety and ours, the number changes all the time.
- You will notice markers on the floor at the front end, this is to maintain a 6 foot distance between customers lined up at the registers. Also to give people a visual of the distance you should be maintaining in the aisles, and other areas of the store, including outside while waiting to enter.
- Do not come to the store if you are feeling unwell.
- Please take the time to read the posted signs.
- Be kind and respectful.
The best thing you can do to help, is to stay home. Please practice staying in and social distancing.
At this time, our hours are:
- Monday to Saturday 9am-10am for Seniors only
- Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm for the General Public
- Sunday 10am-4pm for the General Public
Hours are subject to change at any time
Every little bit helps to keep you, our staff, and our community safe. This should be everyone’s goal together.
John and I would also like to thank our amazing staff. Thank you for coming in every day, thank you for working tirelessly to stock our shelves, thank you for serving our customers, and thank you for maintaining a clean and safe environment for our community.
Thank you,
John and Sabrina
- Hwy 17 (Wawa to Batchawana) OPEN - March 9, 2025
- Saturday Morning News – March 6 - March 8, 2025
- Friday Morning News – March 7 - March 7, 2025