We are pleased to announce that Steven Young was hired as the General Manager of Maygwayyawk Forestry Services (MFS). Steven is a registered professional forester who comes to us with a wealth of management knowledge and business acumen, to provide new direction for MFS.
Steven has held a number of progressive roles with the MNR and within industry in Ontario. Most recently he worked with Domtar in Dryden where he was responsible for forest management planning, annual work schedule preparation and associated SFL reporting requirements for the Wabigoon SFL.
“MFS has faced some challenging situations in its short history but the future looks very promising and I’m excited to be a part of it,” said Young. “We’re rebuilding, redefining the foundation of the company, rebuilding its workforce, and creating stability and reliability in its operations. My goals are to see MFS become a well established, trustworthy, and reliable logging company while exploring additional services that MFS can provide to the area and its communities.”
In his role as General Manager, Young is tasked with providing leadership and management direction to ensure MFS is a profitable enterprise providing an acceptable return to shareholders while ensuring the company operates and respects its social and environmental responsibilities and policies. His role also has a special focus on developing employment opportunities for the Pic Mobert First Nation members.
“Our community has long held aspirations for engaging in the forest industry which until the creation of White River Forest Products and MFS were met only with closed doors,” said Craig Cherneski, Director from Pic Mobert First Nation. “While the path forward in MFS is not without challenges, we are confident in Mr. Young’s abilities to lead the venture forward to yield meaningful benefits for our community. ”
About Maygwayyawk Forestry Services
MFS is 51% owned by the Pic Mobert First Nation and 49% White River Forest Products LP. It is a logging and road maintenance and construction contractor that operates mainly in the White River/Pic Mobert area.
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