At the Municipal Council Meeting of January 5th, Mayor Rody called the meeting to order and noted that all members of Council were present. During the announcements he gave his appreciation to the staff and the public who enjoyed the Parade of Lights, decorated their homes, and went to the MMCC to enjoy cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate.
After approving the agenda, the upcoming meeting schedule, and consent agenda; Council began a Public Meeting under the Planning Act regarding a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment – 23 Mackey Street to allow the building of a storage building before the dwelling. There was no objections noted.
It was certainly of note though, that in the Consent Agenda was the line, “Congratulations Mr. Alex Patterson – Recipient of the Ontario Recreation Facilities Association Doug Poulin Aware of Excellence”. Mr. Patterson was awarded the Doug Poulin Certificate of Achievement because he achieved the highest grade in the Basic Refrigeration course. Reading the course description for this course would give a better understanding of the work that goes into keeping an ice arena facility running safely for staff and the public (link).
As members of Council approved the accounts of December 2018; Mayor Rody explained that a new financial report for Council was being looked at. He asked his fellow councillors for their suggestions and ideas that they may have seen on other boards and committees on this new financial report. These ideas will be explored over the next few weeks. Mayor Rody put forth that the new report may show the expenditures to date and budget. He recommended as a good example the Algoma Public Health as being excellent.
In other business, Council has passed the resolution to support the retail sales of Cannabis within the Municipality. Council approved the appointment of Wawa Fire Chief Kevin Sabourin as the Mutual Aid District Coordinator. When queried by Mayor Rody, he explained that the time commitment would be on the scale of 1 -2 hours per week, and that financial assistance from the OFM to attend meetings is in place. Fire Chief Sabourin did say that most meetings could be attended via teleconference avoiding cost.
At long last, the Municipality of Wawa received the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program Financials – October 25, 2012 to December 31, 2015. The Municipality will now be able to close the books on the flood of 2012, and it is anticipated that today, January 16, the Municipality will be able to declare that state of emergency over.
Council approved the waiver of rental fees for the Emergency Services Charity Hockey Game 2019 to be held February 9th.
The following by-laws were read – First, Second and Third Reading
- By-Law No. 3162-19 – to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on the 19th day of December, 2018 and the 15th day of January, 2019.
- By-Law No. 3163-19 – to repeal By-Law No. 3143-18, being a by-law to enter into an agreement with Dr. Carl Bowyer respecting a Site Plan Control Area for the development of a new Modular Home and Storage Garage.
- By-Law No. 3164-19 – to authorize temporary borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.
- By-Law 3165-19 – to provide for an Interim Tax Levy and the Payment of Interim Taxes for the Year 2019.
Council then moved into an in-camera session in regards to two items:
- Education (1 Item) KPMG Training – meeting for the purpose of educating or training the members of Council. (Municipal Act, c.25, s.239 (3.1))
- Personal Issue (1 Item) Staffing Update – personal matters about an identifiable individual (Municipal Act, c.25, s.239 (2) (b))
- Local Labour Market Planning Report 2025 - March 12, 2025
- Wednesday Morning News – March 12 - March 12, 2025
- Tuesday Morning News – March 11 - March 11, 2025