Saturday, July 21, 2018 at 7:50 PM
(HENVEY INLET, ON) -On July 20, 2018 at approximately 11:00 a.m. After the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) recommended that the community of Key Harbour impose a mandatory evacuation of its residents (on the south side of the Key River); and recommended that the municipality of Killarney impose a mandatory evacuation for its residents (on the north side of the Key River – SOUTH of French River Provincial Park), members of the West Parry Sound Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) began assisting with the evacuation.
On July 21, 2018 – OPP also assisted with further evacuations after the MNRF’s Parry Sound district recommended that the communities, municipalities and townships within the area below impose a mandatory evacuation of their residents with boat access only:
- All areas ranging from the western and northern borders of French River Provincial Park, east to Highway 69, and as far south as the south shore of the Key River; including all residents and members of the public on both the north and south shores of the French River, and the Pickerel River, as well as Hartley Bay.
The MNRF has also recommended that those communities in this same area who’s residents have road access to their homes and cottages be placed on an evacuation alert, pending any changes to the fire situation. It was also recommended that residents of Hartley Bay Road be placed on evacuation alert as well. For details about these recommendations, consult
OPP are also assisting the Henvey Inlet First Nation with an evacuation of their village.
*If planning travel, avoid Highway 69 in the Key River and Henvey Inlet area.
For any information regarding active forest fires in the region please contact the Aviation and Forest fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) at (705) 564-6165.
Gogama Fire Department
There is no word yet on when the smoke will dissipate. The smell of smoke is still heavy, as is the haze. If you have any health problems, please take precautions while the smoke is in town, as it can affect people with asthma and other breathing issues. We would like to remind everyone that the burning ban is still in place !
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update
Northeast Fire Region
July 20, 2018
Time of Report 23:00
Today was another very active day on the fireline in the Northeast Region. Increased fire behavior led to the closure of the TransCanada highway due to smoke from forest fires. MNRF’s Parry Sound District recommended a mandatory evacuation to the communities of Key Harbour and a small portion of the Municipality of Killarney (south of the French River Provincial Park).

A CL415 circles above Pembroke 7. The smoke from this fire and from Pembroke 5, 6 and 8 prompted OPP to close Highway 17 today. Photo captured by Joshua Gagné.
By the evening of July 20, there were 65 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 34 are not yet under control, 31 are either being held, under control or being observed.
There were 8 new starts in the region today.
A very active Parry Sound 33 fire grew considerably today to 1,900 hectares. The aggressive fire behaviour early on in the day prompted the MNRF’s Parry Sound District to recommend a mandatory evacuation to the community of Key Harbour on the south side of the Key River; and a mandatory evacuation to the municipality of Killarney for residents on the north side of the Key River (SOUTH of French River Provincial Park), as a precaution. Ontario Provincial Police officers and Conservation Officers facilitated the evacuation implemented by the two communities, and safely guided all residents and members of the public out of the area. It has been confirmed that the fire, which had started on the south side of the Key River, has now also spread to the north side of the Key River, into French River Provincial Park.
In another section of Northeast region, three Twin Otters, a lead birddog aircraft, a belly tanker helicopter and one CL415 waterbomber dropped water on Pembroke 5, 6, 7 and 8 throughout the afternoon and into the evening today. These lightning-caused fires have now grown in size and heavy smoke impacted visibility on Highway 17 east of Bissett Creek today. The Ontario Provincial Police have closed Highway 17 as a result. For updates on highway closures contact 5-1-1. The highway remains closed at the time of this update. Values protection is also underway (sprinklers on structures) on Pembroke 6, 7 and 8.
FireRanger crews and Greater Sudbury Fire Department firefighters have been battling Sudbury 83 which is located approximately 15 km north of Rayside-Balfour. CL415’s worked on the fire early in the afternoon. Once they departed, ground crews continued to coordinate fire suppression efforts with a bucketing helicopter. Throughout the evening however, the fire intensity rose again and two CL415 waterbombers had to return to the scene.
Kirkland Lake 13 is a 4 hectare forest fire located approximately 18 km west of Abitibi Lake. It required aerial fire suppression this afternoon. Two CL415 waterbombers and a birddog worked to reduce the fire activity.
Up north in the Cochrane sector, fire Cochrane 8 and Cochrane 14 were both very active.
Tomorrow, a windshift is expected to bring more southeasterly winds with gusts from 30 to 40 km/h. This will continue to challenge fire crews and fire behaviour is expected to be very active.
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) are in place in the region. They are managing priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
River Valley Fire Cluster:
There are 125 people working on the two fires in this cluster, with more fire fighters from Mexico expected in the coming days.
Strong and gusty southerly winds contributed to increased fire activity along the east flank of North Bay 42, which is still not under control. Crews worked to strengthen the line on the south end and the north east portions of the fire today.
North Bay 62, which is still not under control, did not experience significant growth today and is not expected to grow tomorrow. The east flank of the fire was quite active and the gusty winds pushed the fire back onto itself in this area. Crews worked to strengthen the line on the south and west sides of the fire, as well as on hotspots on the north side.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
Due to the hot and dry weather there was some activity on fires in the north of the Temagami cluster, sending a large amount of smoke into the air.
Crews continue to patrol and mop up: North Bay 55, 56, 68 and 69. Firefighters also continue to monitor: North Bay 18, 19, 46, 47, 61 and action priority areas with helicopter bucketing.
Value protection systems remain on North Bay 68, 55, and 56 and have been removed from North Bay 69. Firefighters were also able to call North Bay 112 as OUT.

Heli-bucketing on one of the Lake Temagami Cluster fires, captured by Information Officer Victoria Ostendorf.
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
Heavy helicopters continued to bucket water onto North Bay 72 today, coordinating with crews on the ground. Fire behaviour was active today with high temperatures, low relative humidity and gusty winds.
Crews continue to establish hose line along the east and north perimeter of the fire. The majority of the burn was inside the perimeter of the fire. Moderate growth on the southwest and northeast edge was experienced. Heavy smoke made it difficult to effectively remap this fire and determine how much growth had been experienced. Once visibility improves, the fire will be remapped and the size will be updated on the interactive fire map.
Sprinklers have been running on values on Mendelssohn Lake and Skull Lake for the past two days. Values will be checked Saturday morning along the lakes and the Montreal River.
Ash and smoke pushed north and east of the fire today. Distances of 30 km are not unusual for ash and smoke to travel.
A new lightning fire started last evening on the southeast side of Barter Lake, North Bay 113. Initial attack was carried out this morning.

Smoke column from North Bay 72, view from the Lady Evelyn Cluster basecamp, captured by Information Officer Lynn Daina.
Resources From Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided one 20 person sustained attack crew, two safety officers, one agency representative, one radio operator, five additional support staff and an air tanker package.
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, two additional 8 person crews, one 19 person Incident Management Team, two agency representatives, six division supervisors, 2 information officers and 9 additional support staff. There are also 3 air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment such as pumps and hose.
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person initial attack crews, two 19 person sustained attack crews and 2 agency representatives.
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one safety officer and one agency representative.
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Newfoundland has supplied two 4 person initial attack crew.
- Northwest Territories has supplied nine 4 person initial attack crews, two 3 person crews, two agency representatives and 4 additional support staff.
- Minnesota has supplied one air support group supervisor, a helibase manager trainee and a 20 person sustained attack crew.
- Wisconsin has supplied one 8 person attack crew.
- 104 people from Mexico have now arrived in Sudbury today, this includes five 20 person crews, 2 agency representatives and 2 strike team leaders.
Firefighting equipment
- British Columbia has provided Ontario with 1,080 lengths of 1.5” hose, thirty power pumps with tool kits, thirty intake hose, 230 fuel containers, 200 backpack pumps and 200 axes.
- Alberta has provided 960 lengths of 1.5” hose, fifty power pumps with tool kits, intake hose, fuel containers, as well as 100 additional fuel containers. They’ve also provided 201 shovels, fifty pulaskis and 30 chest coolers.
- The Northwest Territories has sent 1,000 lengths of 1.5” hose to the province of Ontario.
- Nova Scotia is sending 25 power pump kits, tool kits, intake hose and fuel container.
- Parry Sound 33 continues to create a significant amount of smoke along Hwy 69, south of Grundy Lake Provincial Park. Aerial fire suppression and ground crews are on site. It is expected that this 1,900 hectare fire will continue to create smoke in the days to come.
- Smoke from Pembroke 5, 6, 7, and 8 will continue to be visible in Bissett Creek and surrounding areas along Hwy 17 tonight and well into tomorrow.
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the evacuation alert has been lifted in Temagami, and that Fire Tower Road as well as the Fire Tower are now open.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management
Jul 20, 2018 @ 20:42
HWY CLOSED – #OPP in #Mattawa advise #Hwy17 is closed at Bissett Creek due to smoke and fire hazard. Unknown when it will reopen. No detours available.
Friday, July 20, 2018 at 2:55 PM
(KEY RIVER, ON) -On July 20, 2018 as of approximately 11:00 a.m. members of the West Parry Sound Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) assisted the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) by advising residents living in the Key Harbour to evacuate their homes due to a 500 hectare active forest fire near Henvey Inlet, Ontario. The MNRF has recommended the implementation of this mandatory evacuation by the community of Key Harbour on the south side of the Key River, and by the municipality of Killarney for residents north of the Key River – located SOUTH of the French River Provincial Park. There are approximately 50 homes in this area.
There are currently no road closures which will allow residents time to travel, however; it is anticipated that fire conditions may worsen and as such Highway 69 may be closed at a later time.
*If planning travel, avoid Highway 69 in the Key River and Henvey Inlet area.
For any information regarding active forest fires in the region please contact the Aviation and Forest fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) at (705) 564-6165
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation – UPDATE ON PARRY SOUND 33
Northeast Fire Region
July 20, 2018
Time of Report 13:15
It will be an active day on the fireline today in the Northeast Region. Hot and dry conditions, combined with moderate winds are expected throughout the day.
Parry Sound 33 is currently 384 hectares in size and not under control.
This fire was discovered July 18 and has since received a significant amount of aerial fire suppression over the last 2 days, with CL415 waterbombers overhead from early afternoon, well into the evening.
Fire crews have been actively working to suppress this fire and values protection (sprinklers on structures) has been initiated as a precautionary measure and will continue.
Due to the current hot, dry and windy conditions in the Key Harbour area which is in proximity to Parry Sound 33, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s Parry Sound District has recommended that the community of Key River impose a mandatory evacuation of the Key Harbour area on the south side of the Key River; and has recommended that the municipality of Killarney impose a mandatory evacuation for residents on the north side of the Key River (SOUTH of French River Provincial Park), as a precaution.
This area is boat access only, and residents will be exiting the area using the nearby waterway.
Residents are being instructed to get in their boats and move upriver to Key Harbour Landing, then leave the area by vehicle.
The OPP and Conservation Officers are currently onsite helping notify the public of the situation, and facilitating this evacuation.
The situation is developing and more information will be released as it becomes available.
For information about the fire situation, call 705-564-6165.
For media inquiries, call 705-564-6146.
For French media inquiries, call 705-564-6156.
- Parry Sound 33 continues to create a significant amount of smoke along Hwy 69, south of Grundy Lake Provincial Park. Aerial fire suppression and ground crews are on site. It is expected that this 384 hectare fire will continue to create smoke in the days to come.
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update
Northeast Fire Region
July 19, 2018
Time of Report 23:45
It was an active day on the fireline today in the Northeast Region.
By the evening of July 19, there were 66 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 32 are not yet under control, 34 are either being held, under control or being observed.
There were 19 new starts in the region today.
A total of 19 fires were also declared out.
Several fires required aerial fire suppression in the Northeast:
Parry Sound 33 required support from CL415 waterbombers for most of the day. This fire, located in Henvey Inlet now covers 100 hectares and is not yet under control. Four crews are committed to this fire which has been creating a lot of smoke in the area. The fire information phone line received several calls noting smoke drift from as far as North Bay. It is expected that smoke will continue to be visible in the area tomorrow including from highway 69.
Sudbury 83 is located approximately 15 km north of Rayside-Balfour. It covers 3 hectares and is not yet under control. Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services is working collaboratively with the City of Greater Sudbury Fire Department to suppress this fire. Two CL415 waterbombers worked for several hours to reduce the intensity of the fire.
Sudbury 85 received aerial fire suppression as well today. It is located 45 km northeast of Elliot Lake and is 3 hectares in size. It is not under control at the time of this update.
The belly tanker helicopter that had been dropping water on Pembroke 5 yesterday was joined by three Twin Otters and a lead birddog aircraft this afternoon. The four lightning-caused Pembroke forest fires which were confirmed yesterday (Pembroke 5, 6, 7 and 8) are still not yet under control.
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) are in place in the region. They are managing priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
River Valley Fire Cluster:
This cluster includes two fires, North Bay 62 and North Bay 42.
On North Bay 42, helicopters with buckets supported ground crew efforts as the fire was active this afternoon under windy conditions. Some smoke was visible this afternoon as winds picked up.
On North Bay 62 Crews continued to work with pumps and hoses on the south, west and east sides of the fire today, extinguishing hotspots and strengthening perimeter extinguishment.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
There were two new fires within the Temagami cluster today, North Bay 109 and North Bay 112. Firefighters responded to North Bay 109 and were able to call it out at 0.1 hectares. North Bay 112 is not under control at 0.1 hectares. Due to the hard work of firefighters North Bay 14, 22, 54, 75, and 80 are also out.
North Bay 69, which previously caused the evacuation of twenty homes in the Temagami area, is now under control. Firefighters, are now focusing on working their way deep into the interior of the fire to check for hot spots.
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
Heavy helicopters continued to bucket water onto North Bay 72 today, coordinating with crews on the ground. Fire behaviour was aggressive today with high temperatures, low relative humidity and gusty winds. Crews continue to establish hose line along the east and north perimeter of the fire. Smoke in the morning was significant in some areas due to an inversion, and later in the day with increased fire activity. There was minimal growth on the fire today and most was contained to natural boundaries.
Resources From Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided one 20 person sustained attack crew, two safety officers, one agency representative, one radio operator, five additional support staff and an air tanker package.
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, two additional 8 person crews, one 19 person Incident Management Team, two agency representatives, six division supervisors and 2 information officers and 9 additional support staff. There are also 3 air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment such as pumps and hose.
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person initial attack crews, two 19 person sustained attack crews and 2 agency representatives.
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one safety officer and one agency representative.
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Newfoundland has supplied two 4 person initial attack crew.
- Northwest Territories has supplied nine 4 person initial attack crews, two 3 person crews, an agency representative and 5 additional support staff.
- Minnesota has supplied one air support group supervisor, a helibase manager trainee and a 20 person sustained attack crew.
- Wisconsin has supplied one 8 person attack crew.

Geoffrey Hodder – crew leader, Coady Scott, Kent O’Reilley and Patrick Lovell arrived in Ontario today from Newfoundland to fight forest fires alongside the FireRangers.
Firefighting equipment
- British Columbia has provided Ontario with 1,080 lengths of 1.5” hose, thirty power pumps with tool kits, thirty intake hose, 230 fuel containers, 200 backpack pumps and 200 axes.
- Alberta has provided 960 lengths of 1.5” hose, fifty power pumps with tool kits, intake hose, fuel containers, as well as 100 additional fuel containers. They’ve also provided 201 shovels, fifty pulaskis and 30 chest coolers.
- The Northwest Territories has sent 1,000 lengths of 1.5” hose to the province of Ontario.
- Nova Scotia is sending 25 power pump kits, tool kits, intake hose and fuel container.
- Parry Sound 33 continues to create a significant amount of smoke along Hwy 69, south of Grundy Lake Provincial Park this evening. Aerial fire suppression and ground crews were on site well into the evening. It is expected that this 100 hectare fire will continue to create smoke in the area tomorrow.
- Smoke from active fires in the Northwest Region was drifting to many communities along the highway 11 corridor today.
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the evacuation alert has been lifted in Temagami, and that Fire Tower Road as well as the Fire Tower are now open.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update
Northeast Fire Region
July 18, 2018
Time of Report 23:00
By the evening of July 18, there are 66 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 28 are not yet under control, 38 are either being held, under control or being observed.
Today, there were 17 new starts in the region, none of which have been declared out at the time of this update.
Several recent starts in the Cochrane sector:
Where it had been previously quiet, the Cochrane sector now has twelve active forest fires. Five are being observed to allow the natural benefits of fire on the landscape, there are no values threatened in the area of these fires.
Of note, Cochrane 14 is not yet under control at 400 hectares, it is located west of Tomorrow and Yesterday Lakes. Values protection (sprinklers on structures) is underway and will continue tomorrow as a precautionary measure.
Cochrane 8 covers 85 hectares and is not yet under control at the time of this update. Four crews and aerial fire suppression resources were on scene today, in the form of two CL415 waterbombers, a birddog aircraft and helicopter support.
Good progress is being made on Cochrane 9 and Cochrane 12 is under control at 3 hectares. Hearst 12 is not yet under control at 487 hectares. It is located northeast of the Mattagami River.
Two new starts this evening include Hearst 13 which is located 37 km north of highway 11, southeast of Jog Lake. It measures 200 hectares and is not yet under control. Cochrane 16 which is located south of Natogami Lake, covers 0.1 of a hectare and is not yet under control.
Four new starts in the Pembroke region:
Of the four new lightning starts in the Pembroke sectors, Pembroke 5 required aerial fire suppression in the form of a bucketing helicopter. It covers 1.5 hectares and is located east of Grant’s Creek Provincial Park.
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) are in place in the region. They are managing priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
River Valley Fire Cluster:
- The River Valley Fire Cluster includes two fires.
- North Bay 62 covers 2,500 hectares and is not under control, while North Bay 42 covers 350 hectares and is not yet under control.
- FireRanger crews are making steady progress on both fires.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
- Due to the recent rainfall and the higher humidity, reduced fire activity continues to aid firefighting efforts on all fires within the cluster. Firefighters were able to call North Bay 53, North Bay 65 and North Bay 93, OUT.
- North Bay 69, which previously caused the evacuation of twenty homes in the Temagami area, is now under control (UCO). Firefighters, are now focusing on working their way deep into the interior of the fire to check for hot spots.
- Crews continue to patrol and mop up North Bay 14, North Bay 22, North Bay 54, North Bay 64, North Bay 66, North Bay 75, and North Bay 80. All these fires are ‘under control’.
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
- A successful controlled burn was carried out to reduce forest fuels. This strategy will bring the fires edge up to natural boundaries, further reducing the risk of fire spread and eliminating the need for ground crews in that area.
- Heavy helicopters continued to bucket water onto North Bay 72 today, coordinating with crews on the ground. Fire behaviour was more aggressive today with higher temperatures and lower relative humidity. Crews continue to establish hose line along the east and north perimeter of the fire which is approximately 11 453 hectares.
- The fire perimeter of North Bay 72 is approximately 80 kilometres.

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services’ Damon Hibbard captured North Bay 72 showing relatively quiet fire activity yesterday, July 17.
Resources From Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided one 20 person sustained attack crew, two safety officers, one agency representative, one radio operator and an air tanker package.
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, a 19 person Incident Management Team, 2 agency representatives, 6 division supervisors and 2 information officers. There are also 3 air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment such as pumps and hose.
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person initial attack crews, two 19 person sustained attack crews and 2 agency representatives.
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one safety officer and one agency representative.
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Northwest Territories has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one 3 person crew, and an agency representative.
- Minnesota has supplied one air support group supervisor, a helibase manager trainee and a 20 person sustained attack crew.
- British Columbia has provided Ontario with 1,080 lengths of 1.5” hose, 30 power pumps with tool kits, 30 intake hose, 230 fuel containers, 200 backpack pumps and 200 axes.
- Alberta has provided 960 lengths of 1.5” hose, fifty power pumps with tool kits, intake hose, fuel containers, as well as 100 additional fuel containers. They’ve also provided 201 shovels, fifty pulaskis and 30 chest coolers.
Additional resources expected in the coming days
- Wisconsin will be providing one 8 person fire crew.
- Newfoundland will be providing one more 4 person fire crew.
- Saskatchewan will be providing 5 additional support staff.
- The Northwest Territories is sending 1,000 lengths of 1.5” hose to the province of Ontario.
- Parry Sound 33 created a significant amount of smoke along Hwy 69, south of Grundy Lake Provincial Park this evening. Aerial fire suppression and ground crews were on site tonight. It is expected that this 30 hectare fire will continue to create smoke in the area tomorrow.
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the evacuation alert has been lifted in Temagami, and that Fire Tower Road as well as the Fire Tower are now open.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management
Jul 18, 2018 @ 07:06
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update
Northeast Fire Region
July 17, 2018
Time of Report 23:11
By the evening of July 17, there are 53 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 21 are not yet under control, 32 are either being held, under control or being observed.
Today, there were 10 new starts in the region, 3 of which have already been declared out.
Waterbombers were on the scene of two Chapleau fires this afternoon. Chapleau 17 is located 19 km north of Foleyet, and Chapleau 16 is located 23 km northwest of Foleyet. Both of these fires are 1 hectare in size and are not yet under control.
The Twin Otters and bird dog team actioned Pembroke 4, located 2 km west of Calabogie Lake earlier today. This fire covers 2 hectares and is not under control at the time of this update.
Later in the day, Sudbury 78 required assistance from waterbombers. They supported the ground crew on this fire located 50 km northeast of Elliot Lake.
Last night, water bombers and fire crews assisted the Greater Sudbury Fire Department with Sudbury 76, east of Regional Road 80 between Sudbury and the Valley. Today, this lightning fire is now under control at 12 hectares.
There was no lightning in the region overnight last night, and no precipitation.
The forecast for tomorrow predicts generally sunny skies across the Northeast with no precipitation for the next 24 hours. Winds will be westerly and temperatures are expected to be around the mid-twenties.
Since June 29, there have been 239,000 lightning strikes in the province of Ontario. More holdover lightning fires are expected to be confirmed over the course of the coming week.

Aerial photo of Sudbury 76 located east of Regional Road 80, captured by AFFES’ Simon Ethier – July 16.
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) are in place in the region. They are managing priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
River Valley Fire Cluster:
The River Valley Fire Cluster now only includes two fires. North Bay 62 covers 2,500 hectares and is not under control. North Bay 42 covers 350 hectares and is not yet under control. North Bay 45 was called out.
Fire behaviour was quiet today.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
Cooler temperatures and recent precipitation kept fire activity to a minimum today in the Temagami Fire Cluster. The status of North Bay 55 which is located south of Temagami on the east side of Hwy 11 has been updated to ‘being held’.
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
Heavy helicopters continued to bucket water onto North Bay 72 today, collaborating with crews on the ground. Planned ignition to reduce forest fuels ahead of the fire were cancelled due to weather conditions. This will take place as soon as weather conditions permit.
Resources From Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided one 20 person sustained attack crew, two safety officers, one agency representative, one radio operator and an air tanker package.
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, a 19 person Incident Management Team, 2 agency representatives, 6 division supervisors and 2 information officers. There are also 2 air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment such as pumps and hose.
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person initial attack crews, two 19 person sustained attack crews and 2 agency representatives.
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one safety officer and one agency representative.
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Northwest Territories has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one 3 person crew, and an agency representative.
- Minnesota has supplied one air support group supervisor, a helibase manager trainee and a 20 person sustained attack crew.
- British Columbia has provided Ontario with 1,080 lengths of 1.5” hose, 30 power pumps with tool kits, 30 intake hose, 230 fuel containers, 200 backpack pumps and 200 axes.
- Alberta has provided 960 lengths of 1.5” hose, 50 power pumps with tool kits, intake hose, fuel containers, as well as 100 additional fuel containers, 201 shovels, 50 pulaskis and 30 chest coolers.
Additional resources expected in the coming days
- The Northwest Territories is sending 1,000 lengths of 1.5” hose to the province of Ontario.
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
Last week, the MNRF has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores, at the south edge of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake including Bell Island on Lake Temagami have been downgraded to an Evacuation Alert. Residents may return home however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at any time based on the fire situation. Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management
July 17, 2018 @ 9:10 a.m.
Temagami Canoe Festival organizers, in council with representatives of the Municipality of Temagami and Ontario Parks, determined late this afternoon (July 16, 2018) to postpone the outdoor portion of the Temagami Canoe Festival until further notice.
The festival is postponed due to the Evacuation Alert in the Municipality of Temagami and continuing fire conditions in the region. Temagami’s largest campground Finlayson Point Provincial Park is not forecasted to open by the weekend.
The Deepwater Music Showcase can, however, proceed as planned inside the Temagami Welcome Centre Bunny Miller Theatre. The performers look forward to entertaining and providing some comforting support at this tough time.
We recognize the important work that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is doing to protect Temagami, the local area and the wilderness parks. Thank you.
We apologize that the outdoor events at the Temagami Canoe Festival are postponed; presenters and vendors have been working very hard preparing for this event and we thank you for your patience and understanding at this time. To our sponsors, we greatly appreciate your continued support. Future updates will be provided as soon as possible.
July 16, 2018 @ 21:13
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update
Northeast Fire Region
July 16, 2018
Time of Report 15:33
Due to the recent weather which has quieted down fire activity over the past few days, we will be returning to a single media update daily, in the evening hours. We will do our best to continue to provide information to media outlets on an individual basis throughout the fire situation.
By the early afternoon of July 16, there are 53 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 22 are not yet under control, 31 are either being held, under control or being observed.
Just recently, lightning, which has been causing several new starts in our region, has also started to impact the Northwest region significantly. As a result, resources that have just recently been imported from out-of-province to assist with the fire situation in the Northeast will be used in priority areas throughout the province.
To date this season we have seen 670 forest fires in the province of Ontario, having consumed just under 115,886 hectares in total. Looking back at the 2017, we had seen only 166 fires on this date, having consumed over 62,975 hectares. Of note, we are now well beyond the 10-year average statistically for number of fires on this date, and number of hectares burned: which shows 422 forest fires having burned just over 98,987 hectares.
A cold front is making its way across the Northeast region this afternoon and it is expected to bring scattered and isolated thunderstorms. Associated precipitation is expected to also be scattered, isolated and minimal in nature. There is a possibility for thunderstorms to be severe in some areas. After the passage of the cold front, dry air will once again make its way across the Northeast, which will cause the fire hazard to rise once again.
(Fire Operations Supervisor, Greg Rilley captured this lightning strike behind one of Ontario’s nine CL415 waterbombers in the Northeast Region last week, more similar weather is expected today in the region)
Fire activity has been relatively quiet over the past couple of days, but it is expected to become more active for the first part of this week. The northern sectors of the Northeast region are starting to see an increase in lightning-caused fires where it had previously been quieter (Timmins, Cochrane and Wawa).
Three new fires have been confirmed in the Northeast region this morning:
- North Bay 97 is located approximately 9 km northwest of River Valley just east of the junction from highways 539A and 805, it covers 0.1 of a hectare and is not under control at this time.
- North Bay 98 is located just west of highway 805, northeast of the Sturgeon River Provincial Park. Aerial fire suppression operations were underway early this afternoon, in the form of CL415 waterbombers and lead birddog aircraft. The fire covers 0.1 of a hectare.
- Kirkland Lake 10 is a 2 hectare fire just northwest of Gem Lake Maple Bedrock Provincial Park, on the northwest side of Gem Lake. It is not yet under control at this time.
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have mobilized in the region and managing priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
River Valley Fire Cluster:
Three fires are part of the River Valley Fire Cluster, North Bay 45 is a 0.2 of hectare fire, while North Bay 42 and 62 cover 350 hectares and 2500 hectares respectively. There are 2 divisions on North Bay 62, six crews are working on the north half of the fire, while 7 crews are on the south. There is a single division on North Bay 42, 7 crews are working the perimeter of this fire.
This cluster is expecting more fire crews from British Columbia this afternoon, they will join the firefighting efforts today.
Five helicopters are working in the area, three mediums, one intermediate and one light.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
Steep rocky terrain has challenged firefighters on North Bay 55, however they continue to consolidate hose along the fire perimeter.
Values protection (sprinklers on structures) that has been installed in some areas around fires North Bay 68, North Bay 69, North Bay 55 and North Bay 56 as a precautionary measure remains in place.
Good progress is being made on many fires in this cluster and it is expected that more fires will be called out in the coming days.
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
There are 16 crews from across the country working to contain North Bay 72. Crews from Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, Alberta and Newfoundland are all supporting firefighting efforts.
Yesterday, fire personnel successfully performed burn-out operations (fighting fire with fire) on the west flank of North Bay 72. This operation removed available forest fuel and effectively contained that section of the fire. Heavy helicopters bucketed water on the north end of the fire, assisting crews on the ground.
Additional fire crews from British Columbia will be added to the ground firefighting personnel later today.
(Two more 20 person sustained attack crews from British Columbia are now joining firefighting personnel on the ground in the Lady Evelyn and River Valley clusters today)
Resources From Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided one 20 person sustained attack crew, two safety officers, one agency representative, one radio operator and an air tanker package.
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, a 19 person Incident Management Team, 2 agency representatives, 6 division supervisors and 2 information officers. There are also 2 air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment such as pumps and hose.
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person initial attack crews, two 19 person sustained attack crews and 2 agency representatives.
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one safety officer and one agency representative.
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person initial attack crew.
- Northwest Territories has supplied five 4 person initial attack crews, one 3 person crew, and an agency representative.
- Minnesota has supplied one air support group supervisor and a helibase manager trainee.
Additional resources expected in the coming days
- We are expecting one 20 person sustained attack crew from Minnesota to land in Ontario by end of day today.
- The Northwest Territories is sending 1,000 lengths of 1.5” hose to the province of Ontario, while British Columbia will be sending 1,000 lengths of 1.5” hose, 30 power pumps with tool kits, intake hose, 200 fuel containers, 200 backpack pumps and 200 axes.
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
Last week, the MNRF has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores, at the south edge of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake including Bell Island on Lake Temagami have been downgraded to an Evacuation Alert. Residents may return home however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at any time based on the fire situation. Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management
Jul 16, 2018 @ 09:36
Animation of forest fires around Temagami since July 1, 2018. Basemap from Canadian Wildland Fire Information System. Click on image, it will open into a new page and animation will begin.
Jul 16, 2018 @ 08:52
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update
Northeast Fire Region
July 15, 2018
Time of Report 20:39
We are receiving a very high volume of media calls seeking information about the fire situation in the Northeast. At this time, we will be providing media with two updates daily about the fire situation. One in the later morning or early afternoon and one in the evening. Below is an update for this evening.
By the evening of July 15, there are 55 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 24 are not yet under control, 30 are either being held, under control or being observed. Five fires have been extinguished over the last 24 hours.
A low pressure system is making its way across the province and should be positioned over the Northeast region tonight. Associated precipitation is expected to be scattered and with localized thunderstorms.
It was an active fire day for Timmins 12. Air attack was dispatched again today to help reduce fire activity. This fire, located east of Night Hawk Lake, is now listed at 100 hectares and is not yet under control.
Several new and existing fires required support from air attack today due to the extreme heat conditions across the Northeast. A quick strike package from Quebec was utilized to help contain the Cochrane 9 fire which is listed as not under control at 15 hectares.
There were 13 new fires discovered today most of which were lightning caused. Some fires of note include:
- Cochrane 8, located northeast of Cochrane near Trapline Lake is not under control at 25 hectares.
- Hearst 12 is located north of Highway 11 and listed at 25 hectares. This fire is still not under control.
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have mobilized in the region and are taking over priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
There are 16 crews from across the country working to contain North Bay 72. Crews from Ontario, Nova Scotia, the Northwest Territories, Alberta and Newfoundland are all supporting firefighting efforts. Today, fire ignition specialist completed a successful burning operation in the area of Rookery Lake. This operation removed available forest fuel and effectively contained that section of the fire. Other than ignition operations, North Bay 72 saw no significant growth today. More crews are expected to join this fire cluster in the coming days.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
Today, minimal fire activity was recorded in the Temagami cluster and most fires are either being held or under control, two fires were extinguished in the cluster. North Bay 56 was supported by bucketing activity today for a short period of time while fire crews continued suppression activities. North Bay 69 had minimal smoke today and fire activity was reduced due to recent weather conditions.
River Valley Fire Cluster:
There were 13 crews working the south and west perimeters of North Bay 62 today, which is listed at 2 500 hectares and not under control. North Bay 42 is utilizing 7 crews to work both flanks as well as the rear of the fire. Fire activity was supported by helicopter bucketing in priority areas of the fires. Support staff are continuing to establish base camp operations.
Resources From Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided 3 support staff and an air tanker package.
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, a 19 person Incident Management Team and 9 support staff. There are also 2 air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment such as pumps and hose.
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person crews and 2 support staff.
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person crews and 2 support staff.
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person crew.
- Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person crew and one support staff.
- Northwest Territories has supplied five 4 person crews, one 3 person crew and one support staff
- Minnesota has supplied 2 support staff
Additional resources expected in the coming days
- Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Minnesota are planning on sending fire crews to Ontario in the coming days to aid with suppression efforts
- Northwest Territories and British Columbia will be provided additional fire suppression equipment to support fire operations
- Alberta is planning on sending over another air tanker package
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
The MNRF has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores, at the south edge of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake including Bell Island on Lake Temagami have been downgraded to an Evacuation Alert. Residents may return home however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at any time based on the fire situation. Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire management
Jul 15, 2018 @ 13:26
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update
Northeast Fire Region
July 15, 2018
Time of Report 1:10pm
We are receiving a very high volume of media calls seeking information about the fire situation in the Northeast. At this time, we will be providing media with two updates daily about the fire situation. One in the later morning or early afternoon and one in the evening. Below is an update for this afternoon.
By late morning on July 15, there are 43 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 16 are not yet under control, 27 are either being held, under control or being observed. Twelve fires have been extinguished over the last 24 hours.
The forecast is calling for sunny skies and warm weather, which will drop the relative humidity over the course of the day. A cold front will slowly move into the eastern portions of the region later this evening. We are expecting a more active fire day today for fires not yet being held.
(Water bomber preparing to drop on a lightning caused fire)
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have mobilized in the region and are taking over priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
River Valley Fire Cluster:
We are continuing to utilize incoming resources on existing fires in this cluster. North Bay 62 has 12 crews working to contain the 2 500 hectare fire which is not yet under control. On North Bay 42, six crews are establishing hose lines along the fire perimeter working to contain it. We’re expecting increased fire behaviour today in this fire cluster as localized winds could reach 15km/h with 30km/h gusts.
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
North Bay 72 is the priority fire in this cluster. It’s currently listed at 10 775 hectares and not yet under control. New crews from all over the country continue to arrive to staff this fire. Crews already established are working towards the north end of the fire in attempt to impede its spread. More resources will arrive in the coming days and will be placed on priority areas of the fire.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
Crews continue to make excellent progress containing fires in this cluster. With the exception of Nor 69 and Nor 55, all fires are either being held or under control as of this morning. We are in the process of confirming reports of a new fire in the area. Good progress has been made on North Bay 69 and North Bay 55 as crews have now established hose lines around the entire perimeter of these fires.
Resources From Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided 3 support staff and an air tanker package.
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, a 19 person Incident Management Team and 9 support staff. There are also 2 air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment such as pumps and hose.
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person crews and 2 support staff.
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person crews and 2 support staff.
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person crew.
- Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person crew and one support staff.
- Northwest Territories has supplied five 4 person crews, one 3 person crew and one support staff
- Minnesota has supplied 2 support staff
Additional resources expected in the coming days
- Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Minnesota are planning on sending fire crews to Ontario in the coming days to aid with suppression efforts
- Northwest Territories and British Columbia will be provided additional fire suppression equipment to support fire operations
- Alberta is planning on sending over another air tanker package
(Out of province crews arriving in Sudbury from across Canada for a briefing before being deployed to fires)
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
The MNRF has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores, at the south edge of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake including Bell Island on Lake Temagami have been downgraded to an Evacuation Alert. Residents may return home however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at any time based on the fire situation. Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire
Jul 15, 2018 @ 07:11
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services
Forest Fire Situation Update – Northeast Fire Region
July 14, 2018
Time of Report 10:08 pm
By the evening of July 14, there are 46 active forest fires across the Northeast, of these, 18 are not yet under control, 28 are either being held, under control or being observed. Nine fires have been extinguished over the last 24 hours.
- Timmins 12, located east of Night Hawk Lake, received air support today from water bombers to assist firefighting efforts on the ground. This fire is listed at 82 hectares and not under control.
Three fires were discovered in the evening hours today.
- Sudbury 74 is not under control at 1.2 hectares and is located south of Burwash. Crews are currently working to contain the fire.
- Chapleau 15 is not under control at 3 hectare. Four CL-415s water bombers were dispatched to help contain this fire in addition to 2 FireRanger crews. This fire is located north of Foleyet.
- North Bay 94 is currently not under control at 0.1 of a hectare and is located east of Highway 11 among the Temagami fire cluster.
Today we saw hot and muggy conditions across the Temagami, River Valley and Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park areas. Due to recent precipitation the fire activity today was reduced.
(FireRanger crew equipment at Sudbury Fire Management Headquarters, ready to respond)
Incident Management Teams
Incident Management Teams (IMTs) have mobilized in the region and are taking over priority fires in 3 areas:
- River Valley Cluster
- Lake Temagami Cluster
- Lady Evelyn Cluster
River Valley Fire Cluster:
North Bay 62 is 2 500 hectares and is currently not under control. Twelve fire crews are utilizing pump and hose on the north end of the fire constructing fire line. North Bay 42 has 6 fire crews working to contain it. These fires received less the 5 mm of rain but high humidity helped FireRangers make progress.
Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:
North Bay 72 has 12 crews working towards the northern section of the fire. This fire was supported with helicopter bucketing in order to reduce spread to the north. Some rain was recorded in the area but was scattered and variable. Tomorrow will likely be a more active fire day.
Temagami Fire Cluster:
With recent precipitation and favourable weather conditions, many of the smaller fires in this cluster have been brought to a being held or under control status. Fire activity today was reduced and crews continued to make progress. Two fires were remapped to reflect a more accurate size. Although there has been no growth in recent days, North Bay 69 fire is now listed at 221 hectares and North Bay 55 at 74.6 hectares.
Resources from Out of Province
- Saskatchewan has provided 3 support staff and an Air Tanker Package
- Alberta has supplied fifteen 4 person initial attack fire crews, a 19 person Incident Management Team, and 8 support staff. There are also 2 Air Tanker Packages
- British Columbia has supplied twenty 3 person crews and 2 support staff
- Nova Scotia has supplied five 4 person crews and 2 support staff
- Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4 person crew
- Newfoundland has supplied a 4 person crew and one support staff
- Northwest Territories has supplied six 4 person crews and one support staff
- Minnesota has supplied 2 support staff
Additional Resources Expected in the Coming Days
- We are expecting additional support from Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and British Columbia in the coming days to help manage the current fire situation
(FireRangers arriving on Initial Attack, North Bay 48)
- Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue when fires are active, until weather patterns change.
- AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
- If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
Temagami area information
The MNRF has been advised by the Municipality of Temagami that the Mandatory Evacuation Orders from Temagami Shores, at the south edge of the town of Temagami, to Jessie Lake including Bell Island on Lake Temagami have been downgraded to an Evacuation Alert. Residents may return home however, must remain on alert as they can be asked to leave again at any time based on the fire situation. Other Evacuation Alerts remain in place.
Travel Restrictions
MNRF issued an Emergency Area Order (EAO) for parts of the North Bay District due to active fires around Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Lake Temagami and the North Bay District.
- Please visit as this information is being updated regularly.
- For information about these travel restrictions: 705-475-5546
- For media inquiries contact: 705-564-6146
- For inquiries by members of the public contact: 705-564-6165
- For inquiries on highway closures: Call 5-1-1
- To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
- To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
- Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
- For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit
For guidelines on safe outdoor fire
- Annual aerial moose surveys underway - December 14, 2023
- Relevés aériens annuels des orignaux en cours - December 14, 2023
- Restrictions on fires lifted - July 11, 2023