Waterline break on Mission Road


It appears as if the waterline from the Viking Restaurant to the Municipal watermain has broken. A leak is sending water down the driveway and onto Mission road where it is freezing to create a slushy puddle. Drivers have been for the most part moving into the centre lain, allowing Municipal staff the opportunity to find the catchbasins ands clear the tall snowbanks allowing the water to drain.


The municipality approved a resolution at the Tuesday, September 4, 2018 council meeting directing that funds be allocated for engineering services to oversee a study to install each curb stop service in the community. Such engineering services were to include: site visit to each property; RFP development, review and recommendation; and oversee the curb stop installations. Council allocated $10,000 from Reserves for engineering costs for the curb stop installation project for the Viking Restaurant, Viking Apartments and Outdoorsman Motel.


Council also directed the Director of Infrastructure Services to proceed with the curb stop installation for the Viking Restaurant, Viking Apartments and Outdoorsman Motel in 2018 utilizing Infrastructure Services staff to complete the work and the funds for installation of the curbs stops be withdrawn from reserves.