As a new school year approaches, Ontario is reminding parents to ensure their children’s vaccines are up to date.
Vaccine schedules are carefully planned to protect children when they are most at risk and when their bodies are ready to receive certain vaccines. Following Ontario’s Routine Immunization Schedule protects children from serious diseases that can spread easily in schools and daycare centres.
Children who have not been vaccinated are at risk of catching diseases that can be prevented by vaccines, and they can also put their schoolmates at risk – especially those who cannot receive certain vaccines for medical reasons.
Children in Ontario are required to be vaccinated against certain diseases in order for them to attend school, unless they have a valid exemption.
Ontario is increasing access to care, reducing wait times and improving the patient experience through its Patients First Action Plan for Health Care and OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare – protecting health care today and into the future.
- Parents should talk to their health care provider or local public health unit about the vaccines their children need. More information about Ontario’s publicly funded immunization program and school immunization requirements, including a date scheduler tool, can also be found online at
- Ontario publicly funds 23 different (routine and non-routine) vaccines through its provincial immunization program that protect against 17 diseases.
- Public Health Unit Locator
- The Protecting Patients Act, 2017
- Patients First: Action Plan for Health Care
- Monday Morning News – February 17 - February 17, 2025
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