Lake Superior Park Experiences – Tuesday, August 23

Looking for something to do? Got friends visiting and not sure what to do with them? Visit Lake Superior Provincial Park and not only enjoy the spectacular scenery but learn about this unique area.

Rocky Point, Agawa Bay 1:00 PM GUIDED HIKE: MINDFULNESS WALK – Take a meditative walk with Anna and Meadow through Lake Superior’s coastal forest. We’ll “shake off the road dust” and tune into our surroundings by practicing attentiveness and compassion towards the biodiversity that surrounds us, and finish with a guided meditation. This short walk will begin at the southern end of Agawa Bay Campground. Please sport sturdy footwear and dress appropriately for the weather.
Agawa Bay Visitor Centre Drop-in: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM MEET THE NATURALIST: THE LYNX AND THE HARE – It’s an eat or get eaten world out there! Join Faith to learn about the fascinating predator-prey dynamic of the Canada lynx and the snowshoe hare – two experts in surviving the harsh environment along Lake Superior’s shores.
Brenda Stockton
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